Author's Note, Recommend Reading (Tw)

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Hello Everyone! I hope you are enjoying the stories so far. As it is April, I have a small note to address that I recommend reading. Trigger Warnings are in effect.

For those who don't know: April is actually Sexual Assault Awareness Month. I am a victim of SA and know other victims of SA and rApe. I can talk about it as it wasn't too major, but I still like to address it.

Consent & Communication is key, no matter what, in my books. It's important to talk to someone about your feelings. All feelings are valid no matter is happy or sad or angry or confused.

If something like SA happens, you aren't in the wrong! The person who did it is. It's never about the clothing or the makeup, it's about the person who made the action. Yet people get invalidated and make excuses for the guilty party. I was "in the wrong" because I was wearing sweatpants, a huge long sleeve t-shirt, and fluffy boots, in the middle of Fall, bending down to grab books and homework, when it should've been the boys who ganged up for a dare to touch me.

Talk with your partner(s) and others around about asking permission before touching each other, just to make sure they are comfortable. I always ask if it's okay to hug someone cause I don't know how they feel, and I don't want to push anything, no matter how innocent it may be.

No matter the circumstances, if they aren't feeling it, no means no! DON'T egg them on! They will come to you. Yet some people out there think it's okay to force themselves on others for their own benefit and "mishear" social cues. In fact, as of exactly 2 years ago, a trend on tiktok was made public called National rApe Day in which men/boys would make it their mission to complete the action that day. Many were so uncomfortable that they took children out of school for a few days to keep them safe.

It's sad how most people(mainly boys, because real men would use consent) don't think of the Bare Minimum, yet it's so important. At this point the Bare Minimum of Consent is so fucking rare that it's considered HOT in our eyes.

This is why Consent and Talking are very important to me, and that's why I put in practically every single one of my Goldie stories. Thought you guys ought to know. I am also free to talk about anything, my inbox is open on the regular and I always read the comments, so plz do talk. I will listen fully <3

Plz stay as safe as you can. Remember, Hunter, Flapjack, and Waffles, love you all very much.

- London

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