I-I'm Bisexual...

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Author's Note: Hello Fellow Gays, Theys, and Everyone Reading. It is officially Pride Month, so we gotta have one of these oneshots. But remember that it isn't just pride month, It is also Men's Mental Health Awareness Month, so plz check in with yo man's, ask how he is.

Plz remember: You are loved, accepted, supported, and valid no matter what. Hunter loves you always. PS: This is a Human Realm AU.

Hunter's POV:

I think I've known it for a while at this point. Maybe I've always known deep down, but just- never thought about it until the more recent years. I mean, what boy just looks at certain male characters or celebrities and thinks, "Damn, they are so fine!" without feeling anything? Reading Cosmic Frontier did something to awaken me, I swear.

But then, there's also girls too. They're so amazing! They can be so smart, independent, kind, funny, and super talented! One such example is my girlfriend, Y/n. We both met in our English 11 class at Gravesfield High. She was reciting her most recent piece on Shakespeare for class. I'd never been interested in it really, I just learned it for class, but there was something about her that made the subject much more captivating.

We hit it off pretty well surprisingly. She was top of every class and was even on the school volleyball team as the captain. I made sure to cheer her on all the time and be sure to help her with her science work because she was struggling in chemistry a bit. I introduced her to my favorite book series and she loved it right away. Eventually, I had the guts to ask her properly out on a date.

Of course I butchered the question while asking her.

"Me would like to go on a date with you?" I asked, confidently. She was sitting at one of the picnic tables outside waiting for her late bus.

"What?" She giggled looking up from her notebook, blush standing out on her cheeks.

"I-I mean, um- fuck, sorry. I didn't- argh!" I scrambled. I was literally dying inside and pulling out my hair, which is what I do when I'm nervous or angry with myself.

Y/n put down her notes and walked up to me. She gently took my hands in hers, pulling them away from my hair. Holy shit, her hands were soft!

I blushed profusely and I think my ears were turning red. "Hey, no need to pull your hair out over me. What'd you say?"

I took a few deep breaths. She just stood there patiently, waiting for me to ask. "I-I was... wondering. Would you, perhaps... want to go out... on a date... with me?"

I dropped my head, waiting for the rejection. But all I got was a warm hug. My heart clenched. "Wha-"

"Yes, Blondie. I'll go out with you." She said nonchalantly as her bus pulled up. "Meet me in front of the city Movie Theater! 7pm! Friday!" She shouted before grabbing her stuff, running towards the bus.

That Friday, was simply, the best day ever. And I got the approval for a second date and haven't fully looked back since.

That was a few years ago, now we're in College. Well, we're almost done with college. We have separate jobs and school lives, but they all come together every night in our small apartment.

I got the apartment about a year ago. Darius finally decided that even though he'd let me stay, I needed to get something of my own since I finally had a girlfriend. I couldn't constantly bring her to my parent's place. 

It was completely paid by me and was mine until I blabbered out randomly that I wanted her to move in with me so we could spend more time together besides our weekly dates on Saturday's after any potential work. That offer went surprisingly well and she moved in with me once her lease was up a few months later. We split the rent and utilities, and we split chores from who washes dishes to who does the laundry. It's a perfect system in our case.

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