A Blissful Blip

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Hiiiiii! Welcome to the First One-shot of 2023. I'm trying to write as my 1st semester of High School Junior Year is coming to an end and I have exams. Today I bring something fluffy to enjoy, and be sure to check out my Goldie x Reader full-plot book that I'm creating!

The times don't exactly add up between First Date and the "New year" but please pretend it does! Idk how the full timeline is.

Hunter's POV

I can't believe it. Today is officially my first anniversary with Y/n. It's been about 6 months since Belos' reign had ended and about 6 months since we stopped the childish god: The Collector. We had been together since our first date at the Coven Day parade and I took her to a special spot to watch the fireworks.

Anyways, I've been hard at work for the past week or so creating something extra special for her. I have no idea if she'll like it, but I'm not going to jinx anything. I had plenty of her favorite candy wrappers all over my bedroom floor and lots of pipe cleaners, tiny beads, and tape. My fingers were cramped and my tongue stuck out, hard in concentration as I finished.

I texted her through Penstagram to meet me by our favorite Tree in the Forearm Forest. It was actually where we first met, I was on mission for Emperor What's-his face to gather a new batch of Palismen Wood and I had found her and her Palisman snuggling up next to a Blue Stalk snoring quietly, but I tripped over a fallen branch and woke her up. She was defensive at first, naturally, but we got to know each other pretty well, and then later finally build up enough courage to ask her out!

RulerzReachF4n: PLease meet me at Our SPecial Tree around M00n Rise1 I have suprise for you!

(Your Special Account Name): Really? Ok, I'll meet you there. XOXO <3

Hunter smiled at the small hugs and kisses meaning and the small heart. In Hunter's 17 years of life, he never felt so loved really. All his newfound family was amazing, but she meant the world to him, and he would rather be hurt in the most gruesome way possible, than have her sad or hurt.

------ Time Skip to 1 Hour before Moon Rise, Brought to you by Matt Tholomule's Drawn on Facial Hair ------

Y/n's POV

It feels as if it had been forever since we first got together. They say time flies when you're having fun or being happy, and it's true. It's only been a year!

I admire myself in the mirror as my Older Sister brushes my hair, smoothing it out. "You nervous?" She asks.

"A little," I admit, slightly shrinking in my chair. "It's been a year already! It's a big deal and I want to give him something special, but I don't know if he'll like it because it's not big and fancy."

"It doesn't always have to be big and fancy. All that matters is the sentiment behind the object you wish to give, no matter the size," My sister advised.

"What was your first anniversary like with your Partner?" I wondered aloud.

"Oh, remember when I burnt the cake? Well I covered it in Fudge Frosting and they didn't even notice it was burnt until they had the last slice and claimed it was 'extra crunchy!' And they didn't even care. I even forgot the actual gift from them at the store! I was in such a rush because I missed the Transport Worm!" She explained, laughing. "They didn't care though. They said that all that mattered was that we were together, and that was all that mattered."

We both laughed as she untangled the final knot and gave me my jacket, "Thanks for the advice. Hunter hasn't had a lot to look forward to in his life, and I want this to just be perfect."

My sister pulled me into a hug and kissed my forehead, "He hasn't had enough love in his life, and you brought that back to him. He's at his most happy when he's with you and he almost cries as any sort of affection you give him. He needs you, and I think that no matter what he says or does, he loves you. So much."

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