Distance to Close: Huntlow One-shot

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Requested by my fellow YT Subscriber: Taylor Carnes, thank you to them!

Summary: Willow has a bad nightmare and starts to distance herself from Hunter, but when he finds out what's bothering her, she gets some comfort and a little something more. This takes place in the Human Realm around 4 years after TOH end, Willow is around 20-21 and Hunter is around 22-23.

Trigger Warnings: Angst, Slight violence on Willow's part, Blood, & Death. Trust me, it's not as bad as it sounds. I hope you enjoy it! Love you guys so much!

3rd Person POV

"Hunter?!" Willow shouted, running toward him.

"C-Captain!" Hunter struggled in Belos' tight grasp. Hunter was having trouble breathing as he was getting squeezed harder and harder around his torso. Belos' claws were digging deeper into his skin as Hunter pushed and pulled Belos' fingers away from him to no avail.

"C-Captain! HELLP MEEEE!" Hunter screamed.

Willow used her thorny vines to strangle Belos, trying to make him loosen his grip on Hunter. But, it only made him squeeze more. They were both in shambles, crying in pain. "HELLLLLLP!"

Willow scrambled to get Hunter out of Belos' grip. The vines weaved through Belos' fingers and helped Hunter out but he was hurt so bad. Hunter fell to the grass, weak. He couldn't move, he was in so much pain.

Willow went off the rails on Belos. Smacking him, stabbing him, strangling him. The adrenaline was coursing through her veins at a high speed and made her see a violent red. She didn't stop striking him until his last breath was heard.

She immediately rushed over to Hunter. She cradled his head in her arms, the blood from Hunter's abdomen staining her shirt and pants. She took off her jacket and tied it just tight enough to try and stop the blood but not hurt him.

Hunter caressed Willow's cheek, lightly. Willow held his hand there because he was weak. "C-C-Captain?" Hunter whispered.

"Yes, Sunflower?"

"T-Thank you, s-so much. F-For e-everything you've d-done for me," Hunter stuttered. His voice was becoming weaker. Willow thumbed over his wrist, his pulse was there, but it was dropping fast.

"No! No! No! You're okay, you're gonna be okay!" Willow stammered. She pleaded for him to be alright. She promised him he'd be okay.

Hunter with some of his last remaining strength pulled Willow towards him. She placed both her hands in the nape of his neck. He turned his head to the side and placed his chapped and cracked lips on her soft and smooth ones. It was passionate and their lips moved in sync with each other as Hunter grew colder and colder.

Hunter pulled away from Willow with a small smile. His signature tooth gap was showing. A tear dropped down Hunter's cheek, "I-I-I... I Love You, Willow..." Hunter's hand fell from Willow's cheek and Hunter felt suddenly limp in Willow's lap.

"No!" Willow's small whimpers turned into cries and screams. "No! NO! NO! HUNTER! HUNTER, SUNFLOWER! PLEASE! PLEASE COME BACK! COME BACK! YOU'RE GONNA BE OKAY!"

"You're gonna be okay..." Willow's head fell into Hunter's upper chest and her tears soaked his shirt. "Wake up! Wake up, Willow!" She told herself. "WAKE UP!"

Willow rose abruptly in her bed, huffing and puffing. She touched her cheeks and her fingers came back wet. She looked right next to her to see Hunter, safe and soundly sleeping. His breathing was normal and his pulse was beating perfectly. Willow sighed a breath of relief.

She pulled off the flower patterned covers and pulled on her green morning robes over her pink tank top and lighter green sports shorts Luz and Camila had let her keep. She grabbed her glasses and went to the kitchen to make some chamomile tea.

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