Another Flower in the Garden: Huntlow One-shot

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Requested by one of my fellow YT Subscribers: Taylor Carnes, thank you bestie! Photo by SweetMaria56 on Twitter.

Summary: Willow is pregnant and when Hunter notices something different, he "freaks out."

Hope you enjoy (and it's up to your liking)!

3rd Person POV

In the family garden, in a bushel inside a white picket fence, lay multiple flowers, one for each member of the family. One for each of Willow's Dads, one for each of her in-laws like Eda and Camila and friends like Luz and Gus, one for her niece: Azura, and one for her loving Husband of 2 years: Hunter Noceda.

The couple days ago, Willow found out that she had a little bean growing inside her. Hunter and Willow had been thinking about starting a family for a while, and now they finally had that chance. Willow had been thinking about how to surprise her Husband with such news.

Hunter usually visited the family garden about twice a week, a perfect opportunity to give a little hint. So Willow got to work! Over the next few days, Hunter had business to attend to at the Capital where he, Luz, Eda, and Raine were thinking of passing some new law. Willow went out to one of the flower shops in Bonesborough and purchased a Ghost Orchid flower.

"Why would you want just one flower? Should you buy a bouquet or a bushel for your garden, Mrs. Noceda?" The shop owner asked, handing her the slightly screaming flower.

"A Special occasion," Willow replied with a grin. "I'm planning to surprise my Husband with a new member in our family garden."

Willow then proceeded to tell the Shopkeeper the mini story about the garden, how each flower represents a member of her extended family and friends. The Owner clapped their hands in delight, "Congratulations! That's wonderful news!"

"It indeed is, but I hope he enjoys the surprise," Willow laughs.

"Of course he will! Have a wonderful day! It's pretty sunny for a fall afternoon!" They said.

"You too Mx (The Non-Binary term for Mr. or Miss)," Willow waved goodbye, heading to one more shop to grab something.

When Willow got what she needed, she flew home on Clover. When she arrived she wrapped up the small gift for Hunter and grabbed her gardening equipment. She threw on her dirty overalls and got to work.

Plant magic worked great and all for especially demon realm sprouts, but ever since her trip to the human realm, Willow loved getting her hands gross in the dirt, putting forth effort to make her gardens special. It was an intimate bond with the soil and the tangled roots and the leaves, it made her feel connected to the titan they lived on.

Willow combed through the dirt with her bare hands moving around the roots of her and Hunter's sunflowers to make space for their little edition coming soon. Willow grabbed the Ghost Orchid and unwrapped the howling plant and placed it in the ground. She covered the roots with the newly sifted dirt and the shrieking quieted down. Clover smelt the flower and buzzed in approval.

Willow wiped the sweat off her forehead, gathered her supplies, and went inside to clean herself up. After getting dressed in something nice and clean she grabbed herself a spot of peppermint tea and reached into the kitchen cabinet for Hunter's bag of "secretly" stashed chocolate cookies from her Mother-in-law: Camila, craving the sweet chocolate.

------ Time skip brought to you by NOT SPOILING FOR THE FUTURE YET ------

Hunter arrived back at the cottage about a day later on Flapjack Jr. Willow saw him and his familiar red bird through the window. She grinned gently as to not hurt her cheeks. He went past the white gates to admire the flowers in the Family garden. He bent down and smelled each and every flower, except the smallest one next to his and Willow's sunflowers. He looked at the ghost orchid with a complex look, confused. Willow could see him counting through the garden, there wasn't the same amount of flowers as when he left.

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