The Phoenix under the Harvest Moon

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Hiiiiii! I was bored on my first day on Thanksgiving break and thought to give you another angsty one-shot to read. SIMP! Anyways, this is a Cursed!Reader AU, inspired by the Golden Guard x Reader story: Cursed by Frooploop (Go check it out in my 1st reading list).

This was OG made before TTT and the topic was chosen by my sister. Hope you enjoy!

Y/n's POV

Today was not gonna be a good night. I knew tonight I would turn into my cursed form, it was the Full Moon. I was hideous in my cursed form. Belos said he would have cured me by now, but he still hasn't. I've been stuck with this curse for ten freaking years. So I should be able to control it, but I was wrong.

My partner in Crime, the infamous Golden Guard or Hunter is my bestie. I've grown up with him through thick and thin. I've always had this slight soft spot for him, that's why it's gonna be hard to break the news to him tonight. But, I feared he would think of me much differently after tonight and not in a good way.

Normally, he checks in on me every night around midnight, because he like never sleeps. No wonder he got those eyebags. I found it incredibly sweet how he checks up on me and I sometimes tease him about it. To which it becomes a friendly argument of who cares about who more, to which I always win. It's our running "gag."

We were coming back from a mission and I was tired as hell. We went over to his bedroom door to say good night before separating till morning like we always do. "Good night, Y/n," Hunter said softly, hugging me.

"Good night, Goldie," I replied with a smirk.

"Please don't call me that," He pulled away and turned, slightly hiding his face. He claims not to like it, but I secretly think he does.

Hunter went to close his door when I put a hand through to block it. "Um, Hunter?" I started.

"What's up?"

I struggled to get words out, "I-I-I Just..." I couldn't get the words out! I just couldn't tell him! So I just said, "Whatever happens tonight, do not come into my room."

"Like I would ever do that," He smugly says.

"No, I need you to understand. Just don't do it, I know you check up on me, I ain't stupid," I became more serious.

He held his hands up in defeat, "Okay, okay. No worries, No worries. I won't. Good night."

"Good night, Blondie," I closed his door.

I walked into my bedroom next door and searched for an elixir. I found one and placed it on my desk. I felt it coming, but I tried to keep that beast inside with all my might. But it wouldn't work and I blacked out.


Hunter's POV

Hmm. Y/n's acting a bit unusual. I thought to myself. Normally she wouldn't have cared, but today she's been acting extremely weird. I didn't think too much of it.

Tonight was a full moon, and the Golden Skull, which only came around once a year for the Harvesting Season, so I was very excited. I could see it coming over the horizon. It made me feel special because Gold was my color and I didn't always fancy seeing the old, dull, gray one every night.

While waiting for the Moon to rise more, I thought instead of reading I would finally try and help those eyebags of mine and finally try to get some sleep. I changed into a plain black shirt and one of the comfier pairs of sweats that Y/n gave me for my birthday. She's so kind and caring. So soft and soothing. She's always been there for me and since Belos didn't exactly care for me like he should, she was all I had. She was the only one to get me presents, give me hugs, read me stories, and let me cry on her shoulders after being frustrated or getting hurt on missions.

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