Replacement or a New Beginning?

978 18 43

Author's Note: So it's been a little over a week since the Finale. I'm still sad and back into a minor depression. So to make us more happy, I wrote another Hunter one shot, because he makes me/us happy. This is about Waffles, Hunter's new Palisman. Idea is from a comic by "maya :) @dum6luck" on Twitter.

Also thank you for 7.5k reads and over 150 votes. My Art above! <3

Remember: Hunter Loves you Lots!

Hunter's POV

It had been about few months since Flapjack's death, and the defeat of Belos, and the alliance with the Collector. I was now a little over 17 and the Isles was being rebuilt as planned, with the help of everyone including Luz, Vee, and Camila.

Y/n and I had been together for almost a year at this point, but the time had gone by so fast already. We were helping the Bat Queen and Eda's Parents: Dell and Gwendolyn replenish the Palistrom Forests. 50 miles from where the new University of Wild Magic was being built, we set up a blueprint of a future Palisman sanctuary for all.

Y/n helped me with the idea, in which I had then brought up to consult with the Bat Queen and the Clawthornes. My Palisman had been my best friend, and I wanted others to find their best friends through the magical wood. So I took up lessons through Mr. Clawthorne, his wife, and Eda as well. First, many of the Older Palisman had to be let go and have families of their own again, so we had another few tries of "Palismen Adoption Day," where many of the Hexside, Glandus, and St. Epiderm students had a chance to bond with remaining, living Palismen.

Y/n and her Palisman demonstrations proved to work great-fully as many bonded so well with the animal friends. Until there weren't many left. I then, with Darius' permission, began my work as the next generation, as an official Palismen carver.

A couple years later, I had been helping so many people find their friends, I hadn't exactly had a chance to find my own again. In fact, I hadn't really thought about it much. Y/n brought it up as we were cuddling together, in our bed, having late night "pillow talk." (They're about 19-20 chill)

"Hey, Hunter?" She asked, breaking the silence there was. She was stroking her Palisman's fur, soothing it as it snored softly.

"Yes, Love?" I answered. "What's up?"

"Have you ever thought of making your own Palisman?" She asked, trying to look up at me from my lap. "You've been so busy with other people's 'demands' that you haven't really spent any time for yourself."

I sighed deeply. I then looked down at her, "Honestly Y/n, I haven't really thought about it. And now realizing I could, would it be a betrayal to him? To Flapjack? Is it just a replacement for something I'll never get back? I just- don't know." I tear up at the thought of it.

Y/n got up from my lap and turned to face me. She took a deep breath, and let it out through her nose slowly. She then brought her Palisman to sleep in her lap and began to talk again in a soothing voice, "Hunter, I know it's very hard, and it hurts a lot. You can think all these crazy and terrible things about a situation, and that's okay, but you're missing out on the good aspects of this."

"Like what?" I inquired, my lips quivering.

"Well, for starters, you could finally get off P/n's back. She's getting pains from carrying us both everywhere," Y/n laughs. I chuckle a little bit too, but I also understand that a Palisman is very sturdy as it is delicate. It's still a creature even in staff-form, if it breaks the Palisman is dead.

"Also, you can finally play Flyer Derby with Willow and Gus again, and you can do all sorts of crazy magic you want. We can spar like we used to, and you can make all sorts of new memories. It's okay to make new friends. It's like moving houses, for example: I move and don't see a friend ever again. I'm not replacing them, I'm just making more friends, and there's nothing wrong with that." She caresses my scarred cheeks.

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