Connected by A Flower *Requested Piece*

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Author's Note: Hiiiiiiiiii! This piece was requested by one of my fellow followers: @WinterBlue_22 Thank you so much, I've been having writer's block on my Goldie x Reader stuff. Feel free to request any Fluff or Angst. This is my First Goldie x Reader one-shot of 2023!

A Shy!Human!Fem! Reader. This takes place before S2. Y/n means your (first) name, Y/l/n means your last name, y/h/c means your hair color, P/n means palisman name.

TW: Underlying mentions of SA, feel free to talk if you need to. I hope you enjoy the story! Remember, Hunter loves you so very much! 

Hunter's POV

Spring Time was beautiful in the Isles. The Forearm Forests blossomed in full blooms of many shades, including blues, pinks, and purples. Petals spread all over the forest floor like sparkles as I crept up upon a grove of unmistakable fiery orange lilies.

Belos had ordered me to seek out a healing flower for Hettie Cutbum, the Healing Coven Head. She needed its seeds and it's said its petals make excellent potion ingredients so Vitimir, the Potions Coven Head, might be pleased with a little bit of the flower as well.

I peaked my head inside the cove, next to a giant tree sat a girl with shining y/h/c hair. She sat in her Hexside uniform with maroon and forest green colors with her back against the mauve engraved trunk. Her Palisman nuzzled against her side. One leg was stretched out, with one curled to her chest so she could have a flat surface for her drawing pad.

She was highly in focus on her drawing with her pencil tightly grasped, only looking up ever so slightly to the one of the White Snapping Flowers with Midnight Blue speckles that I needed. I heard her humming a song I had never listened to before. It was soothing and calm and the spring's water glowed an elegant turquoise, making the scenery perfect.

I don't know how long I stared for, till I shook my head and felt an itch on my neck, "Hunter, you've got to focus! You can't fail again, or else... Belos," I told myself.

I snuck through the brush of flowers, trying to be as quiet as possible, but I felt a stick or vine at my foot and fell through, officially scaring the girl off. "Wait, don't go!" I yelled. But she didn't come back.

I finished up my flower business and went to Belos, but I promised to come back tomorrow.

Y/n's POV

The Snapping White Azalea with Midnight Blue speckles was a wonder to draw. Other than Willow Park at school, I've never had someone more interested in the flower. Willow told me it had insane healing capabilities and worked wonders in potions. It made it so appealing to me.

There wasn't anything like this flower in the Human Realm. Luz and I have seen lilacs, daisies, flytraps, chrysanthemums, and classic roses, but nothing compares to this flower. The beauty of the glow around it, the light from the forest's canopy, and the cool spring breeze made it perfect to draw.

I got to work pulling out my drawing pad and a few decorative pencils. (P/n) was sleeping next to me peacefully. I also subconsciously started humming one of my favorite songs. It was peaceful and quiet in the cove. No one to bother me or bully me, all by myself, with only my thoughts and the sunny day.

I heard rustling in the bushes but brushed it off. Next thing I hear is a thud to my right, I grabbed my bag, my palisman and flew off, not wanting any confrontation with whatever came through the bush.

Back in the Human realm, I was bullied a lot for loving music and plants and art, I wasn't really good at the core subjects and my parents weren't exactly supportive of the idea of being an artist or a florist with my own shop. I stumbled upon an old shack in my town of Gravesfield and now I'm here! I met Luz who was the only other Human here. It was hard for me to make friends, but she and I clicked and we bonded over "not fitting in" together, then I met her friends. I love them, especially Willow since she liked plants.

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