Hair and Trauma and Fluff

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Author's Note: HIIIIIIII Everybody! Welcome to another one-shot, it has been another month since I last posted a one-shot for the book. I'm very sorry for that, I've been lazy, stressed, tired as f, and reading other fanfiction. Anyways, I bring you the Haircut scene from TTT, but with us instead!

Art by @Hootyfying on Twitter! And (f/c) means favorite color. <3

Remember: Hunter Loves you SOOOOOOO Much!

Hunter's POV:

I was staying up late, again. My eyes were partially bloodshot and felt dried out from the chilly air. My eyes were stinging like fire. My long hair was annoying me and I didn't have any ponytails and no one kept any around. Most of us had short hair, except Willow and Y/n but they didn't bring any spares.

Every time I tried to fall asleep, nightmares arose. So I just gave up on sleep by this point. I had been laying in my sleeping bag doing nothing for hours on end. Gus was still fast asleep, curled up into a ball on the couch. Soft snores escape his mouth as his lips move. I notice he talks a lot in his sleep.

Flapjack slept right next to me at all times. His feathered face scrunched up as he nuzzled into his nest made of blankets, making soft chirps. I smiled at his cuteness, fixing a blanket corner over his body so he stayed warm. Fall was coming closer and the cold air grew near, yet the insulated basement still felt chilled. I kissed his forehead and grabbed the paper bag with a book I found in the public library with Luz and Y/n the other day.

Y/n, my beautiful girlfriend, was most likely sleeping upstairs peacefully, with Luz and the rest of the girls in her bedroom. I wasn't allowed in there, by Camila's request, after the 9th hour in the evening. Without her sleeping by my side, I had issues keeping the nightmares away. I'd toss and turn, yet that didn't bother her. I whispered and cried in my sleep, but that only brought her closer to me, causing us to cuddle. Safe is with her.

I was shivering in the basement, so I went upstairs. I tiptoed as carefully as possible with the paper bag in my hand. Gus shifted as the 7th step creaked and the bag crinkled, but he just rolled over, pulling his blanket over his head. I sighed a breath of relief, making it upstairs and closing the basement door.

I thought about staying in the living room or the kitchen to read, but I didn't wanna get caught for being out of bed, so I left for the 1st floor bathroom. I turned on the bright light. My eyes squeezed shut as I tried to adjust.

I pulled the book out of the bag and dropped the bag to the tiled floor. "'The Witch Hunters of Gravesfield.' Surely this will get me more information on Belos," I remarked to no one specifically.

I looked up to close the mirror cabinet and I was stunned by what I saw reflecting back. I first saw a glimpse of a man with sunken cheeks, brown eyes, and similar hair to mine. Next, I saw Him. Belos. The man who claimed to be my uncle and family, staring with a death glare. His forest green mold scar growing across his face, his long hair covering his face and a realization hit me as I blinked.

I looked like him. My hair was getting too long and our features looked too similar. I didn't want any reminder of that man. That abusive, ruthless, heartless, wretched man! I gasped, losing my balance as I slipped on the paper bag. I fell back, grasping the toilet cover and my shirt, the ceramic bowl gouging my backside. "Argh!" I loudly grunted, hyperventilating as visions clouded my mind. Definitely gonna leave a good bruise.

"It's just a vision! It's just a vision!" I told myself. Shit, someone could've heard me.

I waited around, listening for any lone steps, but when no one was heard, I snatched the scissors. "I'm not Belos! I'm not Belos! I don't want to see you anymore!" I cried out. I closed my eyes, holding my signature noodle strand. The scissors sharply opened, and Snap! The first cut was made!

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