Small Date Night at Home

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Author's Note: Hiiiii Everyone! Hope you are doing amazing, nice complexion you got <3 Anyways, I got a new one-shot based on a few quotes I found in a picture for Fluff Starters. Credit to the OG owner. I hope you enjoy it.

Aged up in between Belos Defeat and End Credits (18-19)

Y/n's POV

It's been a couples years since Belos' defeat. Luz had vanquished him with the powers of the Titan and the Boiling Rain, making him melt away into nothingness. Hunter and I were officially overjoyed at this fact, now ridding us of the torture we had to endure over our 16 years.

After Belos' defeat, Darius had adopted Hunter as his own, trying to be the best Dad ever to him. He finally had a home, and even had his Uncle Eberwolf to keep him company. His designer blue-gray eye bags were almost gone, as he finally got sleep with lack of nightmares.

After Belos' defeat, I went to live with Eda. She adopted me into the family, which means I got a little brother, an honorary sister, and another Parent too. Raine and Eda had officially talked and sorted everything out in every way possible. They got back together and Raine came to live with us in the Owl House. In fact, Eda proposed to Raine and they exchanged earrings, planning the wedding coming soon this year.

Speaking of relationships, Team Lumity was still strong as an unbreakable jawbreaker. Not even the difference between realms stopped them. Luz still had to finish both High School educations so she was constantly back and forth between the realms, even helping us rebuild in the process.

Hunter and I were also strong, officially 2-3 years into our journey. Hunter had taken up a job with the Bat Queen, her 3 children, and Eda's parents as a Palisman Carver. He was paid fairly and eventually he asked me if we could start the next part of our journey, handing me a skeleton key to our new house. We cried happy tears for about 5 minutes, but it was so worth it.

Once Hunter had moved out of Darius' place and into the cottage, just outside of Latissa, I got ready to pack up. Eda and Raine were crying, happy that I was "finally" growing up as if I wasn't grown up living in the Emperor's Coven for 16 years. For a job, I helped Amity and Lilith plan out a new Library and its blueprints as Abomination magic was pretty handy in building.

It had been an extremely long day at work, my brain was fried and my calloused fingers were throbbing in pain. I set down my satchel on the kitchen counter and let my Palisman rest from the long flight. I went to the bedroom to grab some new clothes including one of Hunter's Hexside sweaters, got comfy and went to start dinner, only to find a note on the counter.

"Got to go Home early today. Dinner's in the Oven, just in the bathroom showering because one of BQ's children thought it'd be a good idea to cannonball the wood dust over me.  Be out soon. Love you so much, My Darling. - Hunter <3" It read. I smiled at the postage, going to check the oven seeing a Human realm pizza in the oven and a timer set so He remembered not to burn it. He's so adorable.

And as if the universe planned it, my boyfriend walked out with a black towel wrapped tightly around his lower half. I met his caramel eyes that glowed. Then I followed the massive scar from his hooked nose, down his neck, down to his painted chest. Small water droplets remained as I just stared like an idiot with a goofy smile, admiring him.

"It's not polite to stare, Love," Hunter interrupted. I broke out of my trance, blushing profusely. I turned away to hide my red face. Hunter then strolled forward, gently using a couple fingers to turn my face towards him. "Don't worry, you can see more when I could use a back rub and cuddles."

I giggled at the statement, which made him smile showing off his small tooth gap. He looked to my lips, back to my eyes, then back again. I nodded and he gently placed his lips on mine. He softly wrapped his arms around me, so smooth from the flowery soaps he must've used. I hugged him back, nuzzling my nose into the crook of his neck, also placing small kisses on his scarring. I breathed in deep, smelling something familiar. Wait! Is that my soap?!

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