OTP Prompt Generator #2

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Author's Note: Hiiii Everyone! So, lots of things are coming up in my personal doings, including high school Senior Year. Please bear with me after the 21st because my stories aren't gonna be frequent as much. I'M NOT CLOSING THIS BOOK!

I was working on a Soulmate AU oneshot, but my brain fizzled out on the topic so I'm bringing back this for Part 2! Remember: Hunter loves you!

#1 Dancing in the Rain(Human Realm AU): 3rd Person POV

Y/n plops the water-resistant Music Box under the Grand Willow Tree and extends her hand to Hunter.

"We're gonna get all wet!" Hunter complained. Y/n rolled her eyes with a smirk.

"That's the point, you goof!" Y/n reaches for Hunter's hand, pulling him toward the large, grass field until the music was just faint enough to hear. The rain pelted down hard, drenching them quickly.

Y/n placed her arms around Hunter's neck and nudged her head against his chest. Hunter's hands found her waist and locked them together so she couldn't escape. They swayed with each other to the beat, only hearing the music and the sound of rain pouring down their backs.

The Rain didn't really matter because they were smiling through the chill, enjoying each other's company.


#2 Go! Save Yourself! (King's Tide): Hunter's POV

With the draining spell stopped, the Titan's Skull began to reform. We all rushed to safety, the Portal door still open. Y/n's hand was in my grasp until my grip suddenly ran cold.

"Hunter!" She yelled. Y/n was awkwardly floating towards the Collector, flailing her arms. I jumped as high as I could to pull her back to the ground, but it was no use. I was too short, even if I was taller than everyone in our friend group.

"Y/n!" I shouted back. "We'll get you down, promise! We're not leaving you!"

I found some stashed away plant glyphs and launched them towards Y/n. She latched her hands around the vines and I started to pull. Nothing budged. The Collector's magic was too strong.

"Hunter!" Gus called. Both of us looked towards the portal. It was deteriorating faster than we hoped. I needed to get to safety, but I wasn't planning on leaving my girlfriend behind in this mess. Amity clawed at me, dragging me to the portal.

"Come on! Let's go!"

"Hunter! Go! I need to stay with my brother and mom! Go, please!" Y/n cried from above, her tears floating into space.

"Y/n, we can still save you. Come on!" I hurled the plants closer to me with much difficulty, tears soaking my cheeks. "Why won't this work?! Argh!"

"Hunter!" Y/n said, much softer this time, snapping me out of my funk.

"Go, Hunter. The Human realm will keep you safe! Please!"

"Weh!" An echoed sound emerged. Within seconds I was blasted backwards and hit my head on the hard ground, nearly knocking me out. That was the last I saw of my girlfriend for months, and I didn't even say goodbye.


#3 Visible Kisses (Based off A Scene from Heartstopper S2 [SPOILERS]): Y/n's POV

"Y/n! Can you come here real quick?" I hear from Hunter's Bathroom.

I raise myself from the bed and walk to the bathroom, hearing a concerned voice. Hunter was checking out himself in the mirror and then he turned towards me. His face was contorted, frightened slightly as he uncovers part of his neck.

There sat a small reddish-purple hue on his neck.

My eyes widened. I raised a hand to cover my mouth. "Oh my Titan! D-D... Is that- Did I do that?"

Hunter didn't know exactly what to say. He stood awkwardly, then replied, "Do you think anyone at school will notice?"

I panic, "Yeah, I think everyone will notice!" Shit! I screwed up! I shouldn't have done that even though Hunter said it was okay. I should've waited.

"Yeah," Hunter agreed, sheepishly. "But no one will notice it was you, right?"

"Probably," I chuckled nervously. "I'm sorry Hunter. I didn't mean to. I didn't even know how to do that-"

Hunter interrupted, his neutral expression turning into a comforting grin. "It's fine."

His magenta eyes gazed me up and down a few times before he spoke once again, "I really enjoyed it, Y/n. Promise."

"Knock, Knock, Knock." Came from the outside of the door. "What are you two doing in there?"

The person opened the door and entered the face of his protective younger sister: Luz. We both look around the bathroom, immediately finding the title or walls interesting.

"How did you get that bruise on your neck, Hunter?" Luz sneered suspiciously.

Hunter opened his mouth glancing at me, but we said nothing. Luz's eyes grew big and Hunter and I knew we were in deep shit for the situation we seemed in.

"Oh- My God! You!" Luz raised her voice, directing the anger at me. "I CANNOT BELIEVE IT. THE ACTUAL-"

Another knock came from the bedroom door. Luz glared again, "We Will Be Having Words Missy."

795 Words Total. Thanks for Reading!

(Published 8/7/2023)

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