A NYC Night Out ~Jacob DeGrom (NY Mets)

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Request for coreyseagerswife

"New York Groove" by Kiss and Ace Freshly played on the loud speaker at Citi Field which signaled to everyone in the crowd that the New York Mets have won the game. The Mets have been on a winning streak since the beginning of the month which is unheard of in team history; they just finished off a 3 game sweep against the Arizona Diamondbacks. The crowd was erupting in cheers as they began to exit the stadium.

I stood with the other WAGS and cheered on the team as they were giving high fives to one another. We each had on our jerseys that matched the guys but obviously our jerseys had glitter and rhinestones on them. The WAGS and I waited next to the divider hoping that our guys were going to come over to us once they finished with the on the field celebrations. A few moments later I saw my boyfriend Jacob and some of his teammates come walking over to us. Once he got to me he leaned over the divider and gave you a kiss. After we pulled away I said "great game baby! I'm so proud of you." He said "thanks babe. I'm going to go do some post game interviews and get a quick shower. Meet you outside in 30ish minutes or so?" I nodded my head and said "I'll be waiting right up front for you handsome." He smiled and then began walking back to the clubhouse with some of his teammates.

I stood and chatted with a few of the WAGS while they also waited on their husbands/boyfriends to get finished up. One thing that I love about Jacob is that he is always punctual when it comes to being somewhere on time. With me knowing this information it was 30 minutes right on the dot when I saw Jacob come out of the clubhouse. He came walking back over to where I was and gave me a proper hug and kiss. After we pulled apart he said "so I was talking with some of the guys and they wanted to go out and celebrate the win tonight? Would you be interested in going to do that?" To aggravate Jacob I decided to look like I was really in thought before answering his question. I nodded my head yes and said "sure!" It sounded like fun to me and that gives me even more time to hang out with both my boyfriend and my Mets WAGS. After talking to some of the other players and couples that were going to the club we decided it would probably be best to carpool together. New York is known for having some of the best bars and nightclubs around. Jacob and I decided to ride with Katia and Francisco Lindor; Katia is pregnant so she said she would drive so we could have some fun.

  📍Amadeus Nightclub, Queens, New York

The club was already so full of life by the time that we arrived. We all walked over to the bar to order a drink first before all of the dancing commenced. The guys mostly ordered different beers while me and some of the other WAGS ordered sparkling wine or Moscow Mules; personally I am a Moscow Mule girl through and through. After we got our drinks we all headed to the dance floor. The girls all began dancing with one another while the guys went and grabbed some tables in the V.I.P section. I grabbed Katia's hand and pulled her over towards our group to dance. She smiled and said "let's plan a party for when the guys make it to the World Series." I nodded my head yes and yelled back to her over the music and said "oh you know it. It's going to be amazing. The guys have had an incredible season so far." Katia then said "maybe by then I'll actually be able to drink a celebratory cocktail with you all" before rubbing her baby bump.

After a few more songs came on I turned around to go place my drink down over at the tables the guys had. When I got over there Jacob said to me "I may or may not have requested this next song, so can I have this dance my lady?" I giggled before saying "why of course you may." We walked out to the dance floor hand in hand before the song started. He had picked "Feel So Close" by Calvin Harris. (A/N: the Delena dance song iykyk 👇🏻)

After the song ended Jacob kissed me and said "you having fun?" I smiled and said "I am having so much fun. I love getting to celebrate you and your big wins." He hugged me and said "it means so much to me that you take time out of your busy schedule to come to my games or to just hang out with me and the guys." I smiled and said "you are too sweet to me baby. You know I will always take time to come and support you, it makes me one very proud girlfriend." He smiled and said "I love you so much angel." I kissed his cheek before saying "I love you too." He then grabbed my hands and pulled me closer to him before saying "let's go dance the night away."


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A/N: I thought this scenario for this imagine would be so fun to write especially being in New York

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A/N: I thought this scenario for this imagine would be so fun to write especially being in New York. I mean who wouldn't want to hang out and party with a baseball team after a huge win (I know I would 🙋🏼‍♀️). I had to throw in a reference of the Vampire Diaries 😉. Anywayys...hope you all enjoy! 💜

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