Stormy Weather~ Austin Riley (Atlanta Braves)

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Request for itssammieoshie18

It was just a normal night for me; I had already brushed my teeth and done my nighttime skincare routine when all of the sudden there was a crack of thunder. I immediately jumped at the unexpected noise because thunderstorms were not on the radar for the evening. Thunderstorms are one of my least favorite things.

Usually when it comes to thunderstorms I am prepared and will plan to either be spending the night with my boyfriend Austin at his place or I have him spend the night at mine. Austin is always there to comfort me and keep me calm during storms. Since I wasn't even expecting there to be a storm tonight I had planned on staying here at my place alone tonight, but now I am in desperate need of wanting my boyfriend. I quickly grabbed my phone and decided to text him.

While I waited for his response I tried to keep myself preoccupied and not think of the loud thunderstorm that was rolling through the area. I pulled up my pictures on my phone and looked through some of my favorite pictures of my boyfriend and I. One of my top favorites pictures that is actually my Lock Screen of my phone is a picture of my boyfriend Austin and myself on the field before his game. If you haven't figured it out by now my boyfriend is the third baseman Austin Riley for the Atlanta Braves. Austin and I met through one of his teammates that also happens to be my brother Sean Murphy.

It's been about 20 minutes or so and Austin still hasn't responded. I decide to call him and see if he will answer that way. I called and it went straight to voicemail which means he is either on another call or his phone is dead. I could hear the wind starting to blow more and the thunder began to crack again. I decided to pack an overnight bag because there is no way I am staying in this apartment all by myself when I have a loving boyfriend who's arms need me. I slipped on my shoes and then ran out the door to my car.

Once I got over to Austin's  I quickly got my key that he gave me out and entered into apartment. When I walked in I could hear muffled talking as I made my way closer to his bedroom. I didn't even bother knocking on the door since he knows it's most likely just me. Upon entering his bedroom I saw he was propped up on his headboard on his bed talking on the phone. I placed my bag down and went over to him. I sat down softly onto his bed and then moved closer to him. He switched hands so now his left arm was free for me to cuddle into while he talked on the phone with his right hand. I could already feel like I was starting to calm down just by being in Austin's arms. As I laid there I heard him say "alright mom I gotta go, the storms are getting bad here. I'll talk to y'all tomorrow. Stay safe, love you both. Bye" before hanging up the phone.

He then pulled me over into him and had both of his arms around me. He kissed the top of my head before saying "I'm sorry I didn't see all of the calls and messages from you Sammie. If I would have known it was going to storm so bad I would have been over to your place as quick as possible." I squeezed him tighter before saying "it's okay baby. I had no idea it was supposed to even storm tonight, but as soon as I heard that first crack of thunder I knew I was coming to you. Hope you don't mind by the way." He laughed and said "you know I don't mind at all. I know how you get when it comes to thunderstorms. I'm glad you made it over here before the weather could get any worse." I nodded and said "you always know how to calm me down Austin. I honestly don't know what I would do without you. I'm glad I did too, you should have seen me flying up the road to get here." "How about we turn on the tv and watch the news for a few minutes and check the radar, then we can put on one of your favorite movies and cuddle?" I agreed and said "that sounds good. Thank you for being the best boyfriend and knowing how to put up with me when I get like this." He simply nodded and kissed me.

Austin leaned forward and grabbed one of his blue, fuzzy, Atlanta Braves blankets and pulled it over us before saying "I love you pretty girl. Let's watch some of your favorite movies and drift off to sleep." I nodded and said "I love you too Aus; that sounds like heaven to me."

A/N: First of all can I just say GOOOOO BRAVES!!! I can't believe that they are already in the postseason and now they are the NL EAST CHAMPIONS . Had to do a really cute and fluffy imagine for this one being that cutie pie Austin Riley. Hope you enjoy it! 💜

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