Chapter 9

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 Dani, Steve, Robin, and Vicki walked up to Tiffany's large house. Dani had no idea what her parents did for a living, but whatever it was, they obviously made good money. They could hear the beat of loud pop music coming from inside. Dani recognized it instantly as Prince's 'Kiss'. There was a group of people hanging on the front porch, drinking and smoking. From the smell hitting her nose, they weren't all smoking cigarettes.

Steve took Dani's hand in his as they walked in the front door. The party was already in full swing. A group of guys were playing beer pong at the kitchen table. There were multiple couples dancing, groping, practically mating in the living room where all the furniture had been pushed back to make a dance floor. Dani could see through the back doors a bunch of kids hanging around the pool. The weather had turned again, not so much swimming weather, but the evening was warm, in the high sixties.

"Do you want a drink?" Steve asked.


They left Robin and Vicki to chat with some people from band as they walked over to a long table that had been set up with a keg of beer, various bottles of liquor, pop and juice, and some kind of punch in a big bowl. There were also bowls of snacks, chips and pretzels and popcorn. Dani ladled herself some of the punch, taking a drink and cringing as it burned the entire way down. Jesus, that was enough to melt your esophagus. Either Tiffany was a heavy pourer or someone had decided to doctor up the punch a bit more.

"Jesus Christ, that's rotgut right there," Steve grimaced after taking a drink.

"Yeah, I am thinking I may just stick to beer," Dani laughed, grabbing another cup and filling it from the keg. She handed it to Steve and got herself one before weaving her way into the kitchen to dump the offensive punch down the sink.

"Dani Miller."

She turned from the sink to find Jason Carver standing far too close to her. He took another step forward and her back hit the counter. Jason's hands landed on the counter, caging her in. He tilted his head slightly, giving her what she was sure he thought was a charming smile, but on him it just looked slimy and creepy.

"What do you want, Carver?" she huffed.

"Well, I was thinking," he murmured softly, running his finger along her arm and she shuddered in disgust. "Your boy, Munson, and my girl, Chrissy have decided to hook up. It's really fucked up and I don't know about you, but it's made me pretty angry. Angry enough to want some revenge. I've been thinking, what better way to pay them back than for you and I to do the same thing?"

Dani physically gagged, leaning back as far as she could. "And why in the hell would I want to do that?"

"Doesn't it bother you?" he purred, his hand moving up her arm and resting on the side of her neck. "Eddie picked someone else. Don't you want to bother him too? You know nothing would piss your boy off more than seeing you with me."

Dani reached up, grabbing his hand and bending it back. He winced, snatching it from her and holding it close to his body.

"First of all, Munson isn't my boy," she hissed. "He is free to date whoever the hell he wants. I really don't give a shit. Secondly, I already have a boyfriend so I'm not in the market for one. And third, you disgust me so thanks, but no thanks."

"Is there a problem here?" Steve asked, walking up to the two of them, assessing the situation with concern.

"Harrington," Jason sneered. "What are you doing hanging out at a high school party?" He crossed his arms, an amused smirk crossing his lips. "Oh, that's right. All your friends have moved up and out and you're the loser who couldn't get into college so you're still hanging around Hawkins. Don't you rent videos these days? How far the mighty have fallen."

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