Chapter 47

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 "I cannot believe we are actually about to be out of this hellhole," Eddie breathed, a smile on his face.

Dani reached up, placing his graduation cap on top of his head. She had worked her fingers all through that hair this morning, making sure it was tangle free. This was a big day for both of them, something they should have done last year. It was something that Eddie had worked hard for and he deserved to enjoy every minute.

"It hasn't all been bad, right?" she asked, gently tugging on the front of his green robes. "High school?"
Eddie's lips puckered slightly to the side, that adorable little pouty smirk appearing on his face. Jesus, he was beautiful. Dani wondered if she would ever tire of looking at that face. It was like looking at her future, her desires, all of the possibilities of what her life could be when she looked at him.

"No, definitely not," he said, pressing a soft, sweet kiss to her lips. "All the parts with you in them were the complete opposite of bad. And all the parts with you naked were the definition of amazing."

"Eddie," she sighed, smacking him playfully.

"What? You should be flattered. It's a compliment," he insisted, his hands holding onto her hips. "I think about you naked at least 856 times a day."

"That's an oddly specific number," Dani laughed, her hands holding onto the crease of his elbows.

"I'm probably lowballing it, to be honest," Eddie admitted, shrugging. "And I have a goal to get you naked at least a hundred times this summer."

"A hundred?" Dani mused, one eyebrow raising. "Is that so? We're not even going to be gone for a hundred days."

"Oh princess, I am planning on multiple times a day," he whispered, his head dropping to kiss along her neck. Dani sighed, her head falling to the side, one of her hands coming up to tangle in his waves. She lost all concern about Eddie's hair looking good for graduation. She lost all thought about anything that wasn't the feel of Eddie's lips against her skin.

"Jesus Christ," Dustin scoffed, "do you two ever do anything that doesn't involve kissing?"

"We do...quite often," Eddie groaned, reluctantly pulling away from her. "We like lots of other things that don't require kissing."

"Oh gross!" Dustin yelled, covering his ears. "Virgin ears, man. Don't tell me that shit."

"Then don't ask questions you don't want answers to," he stated.

"It was a rhetorical question," Dustin insisted. "It didn't require an answer." He shook his body, as if trying to rid it of the ick Eddie's words had given him. "Anyway, it's time for everybody to line up in the gym. You don't want to miss the big moment you've been talking about all year. '86 baby! It's my year!" Dustin threw his hands up, attempting to be as dramatic as Eddie.

"Don't be a little shit, Henderson," Eddie laughed, ruffling his hair before turning to take Dani's hand. He took a deep breath and smiled. "You ready?"

"Let's do it," she nodded.

The three of them headed into the school, moving through the deserted hallways. Everyone must already be in the gym. As they moved past the stairs, Dani remembered something. She let go of Eddie's hand and ran up the stairs to the landing.

"Hey there sweetheart, I know you're eager to be done but it's not over just yet. I don't know if you've already forgotten but that's not the way to the gym," Eddie said, looking up at her curiously.

"I know, but there's something I have always wanted to do," Dani said. She hopped up on the railing of the stairs. Grinning at Eddie, she slid all the way down. He jumped, catching her at the bottom which turned out to be a good thing as she almost slid right off the end and onto the floor.

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