Chapter 39

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*******Trigger Warning: Violence and attempted SA (nonconsensual touching); please don't read if you are triggered by either of those things. If you have been enjoying the story and want to read the next part, you can send me a message or comment and I will provide you a brief summary of what happened at the beginning of the next chapter so you can skip this chapter.******* 

On Friday, Dani walked into Chemistry with Robin, the two of them sitting at their usual table in the back. It allowed them more freedom for chatting, which they did a lot of in this class. They both still managed good grades so if they talked while they did their labs or took notes on a section of the textbook, the teachers didn't usually say much.

"Have you and Eddie talked about prom at all?" Robin asked once the teacher had set them their assignment for the class.

"No," Dani answered, shaking her head. "You know how he feels about shit like that. I haven't even brought it up. He'll go on and on about how it started as a debutante ball for the rich to marry off their daughters. And how it's an antiquated mating get the idea."

"Yeah, but I know you want to go." Robin raised an eyebrow at her as she began working out the formula they would need for tomorrow's experiment.

"Look, I got what I wanted more than anything. I got Eddie." Dani shrugged one shoulder slightly. "It doesn't matter to me if he doesn't want to participate in some stupid high school tradition."

"Liar," Robin muttered, one side of her mouth turning up in a disbelieving smile. "You know you want to go."

"Okay, fine, I would like to go, but it's not necessary," she sighed, flipping through the textbook to find the steps. "I love Eddie just the way he is, individualism and all, and I'm not going to make him do something he hates."

"I get that, but he loves you too. So, you know, he could maybe bend his ethics just a bit for you," Robin offered. "I'm just saying."

"I don't know," Dani said. "He hates mainstream music, which is all they will play. He despises fancy clothes, which is the attire of the night. He can't stand all the popular, entitled jerks, which will be there in droves. Even if he agreed to come, he'd be so miserable we wouldn't have fun anyway. Besides, you're so worried about me going to the prom. What about you?"

"How am I supposed to go?" Robin asked. "I can't exactly ask the person I want to ask because I risk being strung up by my thumbs for being a heathen. And I am not going with some guy just for appearances. Yuck." She shuddered.

Dani laughed. "Jesus, Robin. No one is asking you to touch a penis, just dance."

"For some of the guys in the school, that's the same thing," she said, gagging. "Have you seen the way some of these people dance? It looks more like mating."

"True, but..." Dani paused, an idea suddenly coming to her that could make them both happy. "Okay. So, take me. I'll be your date."

"Dani, you are a complete knockout and I love you very much, but you already have a boyfriend. Did you already forget about your sweet little fluffy haired freak?"

"No. But he's not going to want to go. I'm not going to ask some other guy. You saw his reaction to roller skating. He would not buy that I am just going to dance and you don't want to ask some random guy. So, why don't the two of us just go as friends? We can get all fancy and dance and have a good time and then everybody wins."

"That's not a bad idea, actually. Well, besides the fancy part. I'm with metal man on that one. They're uncomfortable and itchy, but I am down for the rest. That could be fun. Oh, I could even invite..."

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