Chapter 19

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 Dani, for the umpteenth time in a matter of two weeks, wanted nothing more than for a giant chasm to appear, sucking her within its depths. Eddie had the absolute worst timing on the planet. She sat up, yanking her shirt over her head quickly. Her eyes darted from one guy to the other. Steve's face was a mixture of annoyance at the intrusion and a bit of anxiety at what would happen next. Eddie looked shocked at what he'd just walked in on. But there was something else on his face. It was more subtle, but Dani could see the anger flashing in his eyes.

She thought they'd already hashed this out in the parking lot of the restaurant. She was allowed to be intimate with her boyfriend. Jesus. She really hoped he wasn't going to be stupid again. She didn't want to fight with him and she didn't need any more craziness with Steve. She'd just gotten everything back to a good place with him. Dani held her breath, praying to whoever might be listening that this didn't end in another screaming match.

Eddie's tongue pushed against his cheek before poking out of the side of his mouth. He glanced down at the movie in his hands and then back up at them. Just like that, the anger dissipated from his eyes and Dani was instantly suspicious. What the hell was he up to now? Walking into the house, he closed the door behind him, took off his leather jacket and hung it on a hook by the door.

"Well, I brought a movie and snacks for Dani and I," he said, holding up his hands to show them and smiling. "I didn't expect Harrington to be here but the more, the merrier, right? We're all friends. Movie night! I'll go pop some popcorn."

Dani watched in disbelief, silent, as Eddie simply headed off into the kitchen. Was he really doing this? Was this really happening right now? He'd walked in on what he had to know was an intimate moment. He was really just going to act like that never happened and make popcorn and expect the three of them to watch a movie together? What game was he playing now? She couldn't keep up with him.

"Jesus Christ, I am so sorry Steve. I don't even know what to say about this," Dani muttered, pressing the palms of her hands into her eyes.

"Hey, it's okay," he laughed, coming to sit next to her on the couch. "I told you I would work on not being so threatened by him. I can handle a movie night with you and your friend. He is who he is, right? I mean, he's a little...extreme but I have to learn to be okay with it if this is going to work with us. It's just a movie and some snacks. It will be absolutely fine."

Dani groaned, thinking that he was a brave man because this could be anything but. With Eddie, you never knew what he was going to do or say next. Dani had known him for years. She knew him better than anyone, besides maybe Uncle Wayne, but he still somehow managed to shock her on an almost daily basis. It was almost impossible to predict what he was going to do when he got ramped up and lately he'd been ramped up a lot.

"Alright, let's do this," Eddie called out, walking in with a big bowl of popcorn. He set it on the coffee table before heading back into the kitchen. Eddie returned with cans of Cherry Coke, twizzlers, and skittles. He popped the movie in before practically pushing himself between Steve and Dani so he was sitting in the middle of them. He grabbed the bowl of popcorn and plopped it in his lap. Eddie glanced between the two of them, a wide goofy grin on his face.

Dani glanced over at Steve, mouthing sorry to him. He simply chuckled and shrugged. Damn, he was definitely a good guy. He had just gotten done sharing how he felt like Eddie was always between them and now here they were, Eddie literally between them.

"Eddie, really?" Dani asked in annoyance. "You needed the middle seat?"

"I have the popcorn," he answered, lifting his shoulders slightly, as if it should be the most obvious thing in the world. "This way we can all reach the bowl. You don't mind, do you Steve?"

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