Chapter 33

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 Dani shoved her math book in her book bag, placing the rest of her books into her locker. Eddie was going to drive her to the store so they could grab snacks before the D&D game tonight. She was definitely going to need to do her math while they played. Robin did not allow her to get anything done, needing all the sordid details of yesterday. The guys were going to give her shit for not paying attention to their fantastical and amazing adventure, but there was nothing to be done about it.

"I thought you had better taste Dani," a voice behind her said, clucking their tongue. "You had Steve Harrington. I mean, he may not be much anymore but at least he once was. What the hell are you doing with the freak? It was bad enough when you were his friend, but you let that piece of garbage kiss you now?"

Dani spun around, coming face to face with Jason Carver. Son of a bitch. She wanted to break this guy's nose more than she wanted just about anything. He deserved it for all the shit he'd been giving her. He deserved it for putting his hands on her. He deserved it after Eddie took the fall for that bullshit in the cafeteria and all the nasty comments he'd made to him over the years. He deserved it for cheating on Chrissy. He deserved it for just being an all around douchebag. He thought he was untouchable and she wanted to prove him wrong.

"You've got your girlfriend back," she hissed at him, slamming her locker shut. "You're officially school royalty again, the king and queen are back on the throne where they belong. All is right in the world of the entitled and obnoxious so what the hell do you care who I'm dating?"

"Maybe I don't want Chrissy back. Or maybe I do, but I want something else too," he mused, leaning into her. "I'm used to getting what I want, Dani. I want, I take, I have. You're proving to be hard to get and that interests me so much."

"Well, find something else to be interested in because I'm taken," she snapped.

"That trailer park trash hurt Chrissy," he sneered. "You really think he won't do the same to you? You don't think he'll find some other piece of ass to toy with and decide he's bored of the girl he's been looking at since middle school?"

Dani laughed, her eyes narrowing. "That's rich. He hurt Chrissy? You cheated on her and I wound up in the fucking E.R. because of you. I'm pretty sure Eddie isn't the one anyone needs to be worried about."

"You only wound up in the E.R. because you got in my fucking way," Jason seethed, stepping in, his face so close she could smell the peppermint he must have eaten before this conversation. "I was aiming for that fucking freak boyfriend of yours. You should really choose better company. Hanging around with him can get you hurt."

"Are you threatening me?" she demanded, refusing to back down. Jason was a bully, pure and simple. The minute you showed weakness, they dove in. But at the end of the day, they were always really just scared little boys who couldn't handle it when someone stood up to them.

"Call it what you want," he sneered. "But you better tell your boyfriend to watch his back. I never got to finish what I started and I damn well intend to. He thinks he can put his hands on me, he's got another thing coming."

"You lay a finger on him and I will break every goddamn one you have," Dani hissed through gritted teeth.

Jason laughed, "Oh, that's adorable. Really scary. You're going to hurt me? You know, you're really cute when you try to be tough, Miller."

"I can show you just how cute I can be," she warned, placing her hands on his chest and shoving, hard. "You want to try me Carver, go ahead. We both know you're nothing but a bunch of talk. Let's see what a big man you are when a girl takes you out in front of the whole fucking school. The way I see it, I owe you one for the concussion you gave me."

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