Chapter 13

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 "Hey, you're coming to our show tonight, right?" Eddie asked Dani the next day at lunch.

Dani paused, pushing the watery mush that was supposed to be mac and cheese around on her plate. She always went to their shows but the thought of going made her a bit nauseous now. She was trying so hard to be the Dani from before all of this mess. Glancing up, she saw the hopeful look that Eddie was giving her and straightened up, nodding.

"Yeah, of course. I'll be there," she answered.

"Good, because last week we missed our only fan," Jeff commented, grinning at her. "It was just the usual drunks and half the time we can't tell if they're even conscious."

"Oh, I am sure you have another fan there to cheer you on now," Dani responded, setting her spork down and pushing her tray away from her. She really needed to start giving herself enough time to pack a lunch. Who could actually eat this?

Gareth laughed, "Like who? These guys can't come because they're too young. They won't let them in the bar." He gestured to Mike and Dustin.

"I would totally be there if I could," Dustin said. "Maybe we could get me a fake I.D."

"Dustin, no one is going to believe you're old enough to enter a bar. Look at that sweet little baby face. You barely look old enough to be in high school. And I meant Chrissy," she said with a laugh. "I assumed Eddie's new girlfriend would be at the show to cheer on her boyfriend and his band. Is she going to bring her pom poms and do a little number?"

Eddie scowled at her, tossing one of his pretzels at her head. "Haha. Very funny and no, she's not going to be there tonight."

"Why not?"

He sighed, leaning back in his chair, balancing it on two legs as he brought his arms up behind his head. "She came to the show last week and it wasn't really her thing. She's not into metal music."

"But she's into you so..."

"I told her it was fine," he insisted, twisting the metal skull around his finger as he let the chair fall to the floor with a clang. "She was obviously not enjoying herself. She clearly felt out of place and uncomfortable and it kind of ruined the vibe for everybody. It's really no big deal." He shrugged, tracing his fingers over the initials he had carved into the table to ensure everyone knew this was his seat.

Dani didn't think it looked like no big deal but she wasn't about to say anything. It wasn't her place to get involved in his relationship. But why wouldn't Chrissy want to watch her boyfriend play the guitar? How had she not been completely enthralled? Eddie was amazing onstage. His passion and excitement were infectious. It was impossible not to get swept away watching him do what he loved. Besides, if you really liked someone, shouldn't you support them?

Glancing around the table, Dani asked, "Speaking of your girlfriend, where is Chrissy?"

"Oh, her friends decided they like her again now so she's sitting with them today," Eddie snorted, nodding his head toward the cheerleader table. Chrissy sat with the rest of the cheer squad, all of them giggling about something. "I don't know why she's sitting there, letting them act like they didn't treat her like shit for half a week."

"Because sometimes it's nice to feel like you belong," Dani explained with a shrug. Truthfully, she had felt bad for Chrissy when all her friends turned their backs on her. She knew what it was like to feel like you suddenly didn't belong in the place you'd always felt comfortable before. "Sometimes it's nice to feel like you're wanted."

Eddoe snorted, shaking his head. "I'd rather be lonely for the rest of my life than hang out with those phonies. Can you even call them friends if they drop you the minute you don't fit into their perfect little box?"

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