Chapter 43

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 " him't...NO!" Dani sprung up, gasping. Her eyes wide, she scanned the room, trying to figure out where in the hell she was.

"Shh, Dani I'm right here," Robin's voice came, her hand finding hers and squeezing tightly. "You're safe. You're in my room. Everything's okay."

Taking deep, long breaths, Dani willed her body to calm down. She pulled her knees into her chest, wrapping her arms around herself and burying her face against them. Shuddering, she felt her system slowly begin to obey her, her muscles easing and relaxing one by one.

Jesus Christ, how was she ever going to get past this if she kept reliving it every single night in her dreams? That urge to run to Eddie returned, a need so strong that it was like the need for oxygen or food or water. But no, she reminded herself that he wanted nothing to do with her. He'd not even been able to make eye contact with her yesterday.

"Hey," Robin said softly, sitting up next to her. Her hand came to rest on Dani's back, making small circles. "It's okay. Come on. Lay back down and try to go back to sleep, Dani. You need it. I am right here. You're okay."

Dani allowed herself to be pushed back onto the bed. Turning onto her side, she faced Robin, who offered her a small smile of comfort, reaching out to take her hand again.

"Nothing is going to happen to you. I'm right here. Just try to go back to sleep," she assured. "I promise you, everything will feel a bit better once you've had a good night's sleep."

Dani nodded, closing her eyes, but she didn't see how anything could feel better when everything between her and Eddie was falling apart.


On Wednesday, Dani had Steve drop her off at Eddie's trailer. Hopper's voice had been in her ear all day, telling her not to give up on him. Uncle Wayne had answered, coming outside to talk to her, telling her with a sympathetic expression that Eddie was sleeping. She'd known he was lying because he couldn't look her in the eyes and she saw the blinds in Eddie's bedroom move as if he'd been spying on their conversation. She'd conceded defeat, gave Uncle Wayne Eddie's work for Wednesday and began the long walk home.

She'd agreed that night to talk to a therapist and her mom had been overjoyed, telling her she would call in the morning to make an appointment. Her mom and her had a long conversation and Dani had told her everything from what actually transpired in the woods that day to everything that was going on with Eddie now. Her mom had quietly listened and then held her until she stopped crying. Then she went to the store, picking up mint chocolate chip ice cream and the two of them had watched sappy romance movies under the blanket together on the couch.

On Thursday, Dani had Steve drop her off at Eddie's once again. This time Uncle Wayne wasn't there but no matter how long Dani stood there, incessantly pounding on the trailer door, Eddie did not answer. Fighting back tears, she left his work on the porch, along with a can of Spaghettios, which had always been their comfort food when the world was going sideways. She'd cried the entire walk home and then spent the rest of the night hiding under her comforter in her bed.

"Are you sure you want me to drop you off there again?" Steve asked on Friday. "I mean, you've been there every day for three days and he's not answering."

"So, what do you want me to do?" she quipped. "Just not try anymore?"

"No, I'm not saying that," Steve argued. "It's just...I don't know Dani. I can't believe Eddie won't talk to you. All he did when we were together was talk to you to the point where I felt invisible half the time. If he's not talking, maybe he just really needs alone time or maybe..."

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