Chapter 20

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"Thanks so much for breakfast mama," Eddie said, planting a kiss on Dani's mom's cheek. He grabbed his jacket off the hook, throwing it on. "I have to get heading. I am supposed to pick up Chrissy in a bit."

Dani had woken up this morning, safely tucked against Eddie's chest. It had been the best sleep she'd had in weeks but she instantly felt uncomfortable once her eyes opened, a sense of panic taking over. She had rushed to move off of him as carefully as she could to not wake him and headed upstairs for a shower. She couldn't handle cuddling with him, feeling his breath brushing against her face, the warmth of his body pressed into hers while she was conscious. She also did not want a continuation of last night's horribly uncomfortable conversation. By the time she came back downstairs, her mom was up and cooking, saving Dani from any awkward encounter with him and she was eternally grateful.

"You're welcome, even if you did eat almost a whole loaf of bread and now I have to run to the grocery store again," she laughed. "I swear, you're going to eat me out of house and home kiddo."

"I'm a growing boy," he teased, patting his stomach.

"So, what are your big plans with Chrissy today?" her mom asked, taking a sip of her coffee.

"Oh, just a matinee movie," he shrugged. "I asked if she wanted to just hang at my place but she wanted to go out. So, I don't know. We're doing the movie and then dinner at some swanky restaurant she likes or something."

"Swanky, huh?" her mom chuckled. "I can't imagine you in a place considered swanky. You must really like this girl to do things that you don't enjoy."

"Yeah, I guess I do," Eddie nodded. "I don't know. I have nothing to wear for a fancy place so that's why I'm heading out. She is taking me to buy some clothes. She said they don't allow jeans, which is pretty much all I own. She mentioned that I could get a haircut but that's where I drew the line." He shook his head, tossing his waves around that were all still messy from sleep. "No one touches this hair. Well, except Dani when she makes sure it's not a complete rat's nest for me."

Chrissy wanted him to cut his hair? Dani loved his hair. She was getting a very icky feeling all over again. Was Chrissy with him because she liked him or was she with him because she thought she could change him into someone else? Eddie hated fancy clothes. He had worn a suit for her Dad's funeral and he had been adjusting and pulling at it the entire day. He said fancy clothes were itchy and tight and uncomfortable. They weren't him. There was nothing wrong with him. What the hell was Chrissy trying to do?

"Poor Dani, having to be in charge of keeping you presentable. We all know how much of a job that must be. Well, good luck sweetheart," her mom said, getting up to clear the dishes. "I am sure you will wow her in whatever fancy attire you choose."

"Thanks mama," he grinned, twirling his keys around his finger.

"Have fun with Chrissy," Dani stated, remaining seated at the table, pushing her french toast around her plate. While Eddie had devoured about eight pieces, Dani had barely finished the two she started with. Her stomach had been in awful knots all morning. It wasn't made any better by her fresh concerns about what Chrissy was doing. She had to remind herself, again, that Eddie's relationship was none of her business.

"I will." Eddie bounced over, leaning down and pressing a kiss to the top of Dani's head. "I'll see you tomorrow morning, ok?"

"I'll be here waiting, like always" she muttered.

Dani's mom walked him to the door and as soon as it shut, she spun around, laughing. Dani glared at her, not sure how anything about last night or this morning could possibly be amusing. To be fair, her mom had no idea of her true feelings for Eddie. That information would probably wipe that amused grin right off her face, but Dani had no intention of sharing.

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