Chapter 10

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 Dani's eyes struggled to open the next morning, and she groaned as a pounding began behind her eyes. Her mouth felt disgusting, dry as sandpaper and tasting like vomit. Jesus. Her eyes finally opened, slowly taking in her surroundings and she muttered, "Shit." Things could not possibly get any worse than this.

She was in Eddie's bedroom, laying in his bed alone. Snippets of last night slowly crept their way back into her brain and she wanted to climb out of the window and sneak away. She buried her face in the pillow as she remembered that she had made an absolute ass out of herself, so upset about Eddie and Chrissy, that she had been a moron. Too much alcohol and a shattered heart did not mix.

She vaguely remembered yelling at Steve, refusing to let him take the alcohol away from her, stripping down to get in the pool. Her hand flew to her face. Oh shit. Steve. She had been awful to him and right after he had told her he was crazy about her. Well, that was definitely over now. He wouldn't want anything to do with her after the way she acted and she couldn't blame him. She had been disgusting. She despised herself right now. Her friendship was ruined and any chance she had at a relationship with Steve.

Slowly rising to her feet, she paused as her stomach rolled, covering her mouth with her hand but nothing came up. Judging by the taste in her mouth, she had probably already lost it all last night. Damn. So not only had Eddie brought her to his trailer but he'd had to deal with her puking. Awesome. It wasn't the first time, but now everything felt different. Now, it felt like she was a burden to him and she hated that. He'd had to leave the party and his girlfriend to deal with her. She was wearing a pair of his sweats and a Hellfire shirt too so clearly he'd changed her clothes at some point.

Dani looked longingly at the window in his bedroom, calculating if she'd be able to wiggle through it. She fantasized for a moment of making her great escape and getting the hell out of here before what would be a painfully awkward confrontation. But the windows in Eddie's room were really narrow and there was no way she was getting her ass through there.

Damn. Time to face the music then. She struggled to make her way upright and walked out into the living room to see Eddie at the stove, cooking, and Uncle Wayne sitting at the kitchen table with coffee in one of his many beloved mugs, reading the Sunday paper.

"She lives!" Uncle Wayne announced, holding out his arms and grinning at her. "How are you feeling sweetheart?"

"Like I got hit by a semi truck and then it backed over me again for good measure," she muttered, her eyes darting to the door, itching to get out of there as soon as possible. "I, uh...I'm just going to get going. Where are my clothes?"

"You threw up all over them and me," Eddie said flatly, keeping his back to her.

"Shit," Dani sighed, "I'm sorry you had to deal with that. I was an idiot and clearly drank too much last night."
Uncle Wayne chuckled, patting the chair next to him. "We've all been there kiddo. And don't rush off. Sit down and have some breakfast. Eddie's making us bacon and eggs, the cure of all hangovers. Besides, I've missed seeing you around here. I can't remember the last time I've gone a whole week without waking up to find you here."

Dani smiled sheepishly, taking the seat next to him. She loved Uncle Wayne and clearly he didn't know that things with Eddie had gotten a bit complicated. Of course he didn't. Eddie wasn't going to share all this bullshit with him. He didn't even want to share with her. She desperately wanted to hurry out of here but she couldn't bring herself to disappoint the man who'd always treated her as his own.

Eddie set plates down in front of them both. Dani mumbled a thanks as he added a cup of coffee with a little bit of milk, just the way she liked it, and two advil. He made himself a plate and joined them at the table. Everyone ate quietly for a moment, Dani finding her stomach and her whole body beginning to feel better as she put some food and caffeine in it.

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