Chapter 14

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 "So, you're taking Steve with you to see Eddie play?" Dani's mom asked, one eyebrow lifting upward, her lips twisted a bit in concern. "Honey, I don't want to overstep or anything but are you sure that's a good idea?"

"Why wouldn't it be?" she asked as she pulled on her denim jacket over her homemade Corroded Coffin shirt and black skirt, flipping her hair out from the collar and fluffing it with her hands.

Her mom sighed, crossing her arms. "I don't know Dani. This has always been your and Eddie's thing. You have gone to his shows since they started playing at the Hideout and then you always crash at his place. I don't want Eddie to feel like this boyfriend of yours is taking all of your time and you don't save any for him. I know you have a boyfriend and it probably feels all consuming. I get it. We've all been there. First love is exciting but you don't have to include Steve in everything."

"I'm not," she said, releasing a long exhale. "And it's not first love. Jeez mom, I've been with him for a week. Let me just like him for a bit first. I hung out with Eddie last night, just the two of us. We had pizza and watched a movie and talked and did all the Dani and Eddie things we're supposed to do. But he wanted me to come to the show tonight and Steve wanted to hang out. I figured this way both guys would be happy."

"I'm not sure that's how this is going to turn out." Her mom's nose scrunched. "Sweetie, are you sure everything is good with you and Eddie?"

"Oh my god mom, yes," she groaned. "Why?"

"I don't know. You hung out last night but then you had him drop you off. You never do that when you guys hang out late. I just assumed that you'd sleep over there. I thought maybe you guys had a fight."

"We didn't have a fight but I can't do that anymore."

"Why not?"

Dani sighed deeply, tossing her hands up. "One, I have a boyfriend, mom. How do you think it would make Steve feel to know I slept over at another guy's house?"

"It's not just another guy. It's Eddie. Why should it make Steve feel anything?" her mom asked. "Dani, he knew you and Eddie were best friends long before Steve started dating you. You've been best friends since eighth grade. If he doesn't understand that, then maybe he's not the right guy."

"He does understand that! It's just..."

"Just what?" Her mom's eyes did that thing again where they were seeing past all the bullshit to the truth that was trying to hide inside her. "Dani, I know sleeping at another guy's house sounds bad, in theory, when you're dating someone else. But it's Eddie. You sleeping at his house is no different than you sleeping at Robin's house."

Dani quickly looked away from her mom, chewing on the inside of her cheek. No, sleeping at Eddie's was absolutely nothing like sleeping at Robin's. She didn't imagine kissing Robin. She didn't imagine running her tongue along every inch of her skin. She didn't imagine what it would feel like to have Robin's hands running over her body. Jesus, a flash of heat overwhelmed her and she shook off the thoughts. Steve was going to be here any minute. She had to get her brain under control.

"Dani?" her mom questioned, taking on a more serious tone. "It is just like sleeping over at Robin's, right?" When Dani didn't answer right away, her mom's tone reached a whole new octave that Dani had never heard before. "Dani, did something happen with you and Eddie?"

"No! Mom, nothing has ever happened with me and Eddie and nothing is ever going to happen," she insisted, wanting out of the conversation.

"Do you want something to happen?"

At that moment, Dani heard a car pull into the driveway. She could kiss Steve for his impeccable timing. She grabbed her purse and gave her mom a quick kiss on the cheek, eager to make her escape from this awful conversation.

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