Chapter 36

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 Dani raced for the bathroom quickly before class. It was criminal how far the bathrooms were from her locker and then her class was in the complete opposite direction. Running in, she darted into a stall, trying to pee as quickly as possible so she wouldn't be late for her next class. She heard the bathroom door swing open and just as she was buttoning her pants, what she heard caused her to pause.

"Yeah, it's not that big of a deal, really," Chrissy said. "He didn't really break up with me for another girl because we weren't even really dating. I was planning on breaking up with him soon anyway. I was just using him in the long run. Jason cheated on me. I wanted to get back at him. I wanted to hit him where it hurt and I knew the school freak would be the best way to upset him. I wanted him to feel what I felt. I wanted him to realize he made a huge mistake and it worked. I don't think I have to worry about him straying again."

She giggled and Dani felt her blood pressure rise, her blood boiling. Here she had been, feeling sorry for Chrissy, feeling guilty for being part of the reason she had gotten hurt and it had all been some fucked up game for her anyway? She had been playing Eddie the whole time, just using him to make Jason angry? Goddamn it, she knew something was messed up. She knew that girl didn't seem as into him as she tried to play that she was.

"Thank god you've come to your senses," the other girl said. Dani thought her name was Becky but she couldn't be sure. She didn't exactly keep tabs on the cheerleader population, preferring to avoid them at all costs if she could. "I thought you'd hit your head or contracted some brain destroying virus or something when you started dating that loser."

Chrissy chuckled, "No. Honestly, it was so hard playing the part of the adoring girlfriend. As if someone like me would ever actually be interested in someone like him. He's so weird. He plays that ridiculous nerdy game where they pretend they're these heroes or something. It's really just a bunch of losers sitting around a table. I went to see his band and the music made my head want to explode. It's just noise. Seriously, they're just awful. God, can you just imagine me spending my life in some shitty ass trailer, waiting for him to come home from work? You know he's going to be like a mechanic or some menial shit like that. The guy can't even manage to graduate. How far is he going in life?"

Dani closed her eyes, taking in a deep breath, reminding herself that going to prison wasn't going to help anybody. Her fists clenched at her sides as she struggled to calm the rage that was building inside of her. She desperately wanted to punch her in her perfect little face.

The other girl laughed so hard she snorted, the sound like nails down a chalkboard, sending Dani's nervous system into overdrive.

"Obviously," the girl she thought was Becky gasped between laughs, "he's such a fucking loser. Did you know his dad's in jail? He's a car thief or something. And I heard his mom was such a whore that she took off right after she had him. I mean, if your mom doesn't even want you, you have to be pretty goddamn worthless."

That was it. Dani slammed the stall door open. As Chrissy's eyes found hers in the mirror, she saw fear and wait, could that be shame? Yeah. She should be ashamed. She spent all that time with Eddie and didn't realize what an amazing guy he was? She was going to stand there and allow her friend to talk about him like that? Maybe he'd hurt her, but that didn't excuse anything she'd just said.

"Dani..." Chrissy said softly, turning to face her. "I didn't realize you were in here."

"Yeah, that was pretty obvious," she hissed, stepping forward. Chrissy tried to step back but her back hit the sink. She was stuck. "I can't believe I actually felt bad for you. I felt awful that Eddie and I hurt you. But it was all just some fucking joke to you the whole time. You dated him just to piss off your dick boyfriend."

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