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a girl attempts
to cheer up her
fellow classmate
by sending him
anonymous letters
each day.


( fluff only )
slightly out of character
( s/c ) - skin colour
( h/c ) - hair colour
( h/t ) - hair texture
( h/l ) - hair length
( e/c ) - eye colour
( f/s ) - favourite song


It was a common occurrence to see, yet nobody every took notice of the obvious miffed expression on the boy's face. He squinted his magenta pupils staring at his fellow classmates, almost feeling the urge to run a hand through his pink hair in exasperation. The gifted boy heard all the tumultuous thoughts of his peers, annoying him. They wanted to hang out. Again.

Would it be so hard for him just to have some time to himself? Hanging out with his friends wouldn't entertain him in the slightest: he lived his life with practically no surprises. But he couldn't help that. He was a psychic after all.

Abruptly, a girl with (s/c) skin walked into the classroom. Her (h/c) hair was slightly disheveled but nevertheless, she wore a small smile on her face. The pink haired boy wouldn't describe her as anything interesting, just another student who was in his class. And, in his opinion, she was better that way.

Her soft (e/c) eyes landed on the culprit with green glasses, her smile falling slightly. It was painfully obvious to her that he wasn't happy in the slightest. So, being the nice person she was, decided to ask him about it.

"Are you alright, Saiki?" she asked, her voice low not to draw attention to the two. He appreciated the small gesture, giving her a small nod. The girl nodded her head back: "Well, I am here to talk if you need me."

Y/N headed towards her desk after speaking with the boy with antennas. Her fingers began to fiddle with a ball point pen she had in her pocket as her mind wandered.
'Is he really okay? Now that I think about it, when was the last time I ever saw him happy?' Y/N thought for a moment. A small smile reached her lips.

'Oh, when he eats desserts he is usually happy. But other than that, he seems awfully sad.' Y/N glanced over at the pink haired boy, who was listening to her every word.
'Then I guess I'll just have to cheer him up. That's what friends do.'

Kusuo wanted to sigh.
'There is no point. You're most likely going to annoy me more.'

Y/N smiled to herself. She quickly pulled out a small planner from her bag that was covered with stickers. Her thumb gently clicked the top of her pen as she began to write down her plan.
'Trust me Kusuo Saiki, you are going to be pleasantly surprised.'

The pink haired boy glimpsed at L/N.
'Unfortunately in the life of Kusuo Saiki, there are no surprises.'


started: 23/11/22
finished:— 02/09/23


no surprises - radiohead
written by @rrrattt_pissss / emily

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