𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗴𝗶𝗳𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝗿𝗲𝗱 𝗳𝗮𝗰𝗲𝘀

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stairs, Y/N bit her lip. Her thoughts were clouded, so much she couldn't even hear the sounds of her school shoes scraping against the floor. She gently opened the double doors, noticing her hands slightly shaking.

Who could blame her? After what Kusuo had pulled before, she had every right to be nervous. And of course because she would be confronting him on his psychic powers. Her head turned left and right, looking for the boy. Once her eyes made contact with shaded green ones, she fidgeted with the ring on her finger.

As she approached him, her cheeks flushed with warmth. He stared at her with an intense expression as she began to lean against the wall of the building.
"So-" Y/N began, but was interrupted by the pinkette.
"I am a psychic." he stated plainly. He felt a sense of relief float off his chest, but not enough to make him stop panicking internally.

In all honesty, Kusuo didn't want to lose Y/N. She was special, unlike the rest of his friends. He had no idea why, but he felt as if they were better connected somehow. As if she knew every way to make him happy.

"Yeah, your brother told me." Y/N snitched, holding her hands behind her back. Kusuo raised an eyebrow before mentally sighing.
'Of course that degenerate told her.' Y/N studied his blank expression before laughing.
"You really don't like your brother, huh?" Y/N joked, smiling widely. Kusuo didn't smile, but instead placed his two hands next to Y/N's head.

His back was hunched as he hovered over her, an intense stare on his face. It was to intimidate her.
"You won't tell anyone about this," he stated plainly. Y/N stared at him, her body shaking slightly. Kusuo believed he successfully feared her enough to stop her from telling someone else, until he stared into her (e/c) eyes.

Fear wasn't behind them at all. It was... something much more complicated.

Kusuo quickly backed up, feeling himself flush. He tried to remove the sudden warmth with his powers, but struggled to. Y/N smirked as he attempted to hide his face by turning around.
"Awh, is someone getting flustered?" Y/N teased, trying to see his face. He turned to her, his eyebrows furrowed.
"I am not flustered." he snapped, trying to hide himself from her.

"Okay, Bob the tomato." Y/N joked, leaning back on the wall.
"My face isn't that red." Kusuo stated, staring at the girl finally. Y/N chuckled, crossing her arms.
"Not now," her eyes fluttered shut as a cocky grin came across her face. "you must have used one of your abilities to remove it."

Kusuo stood flabbergasted. How did she even know that?
"Good grief, do you ever shut up?" he mumbled, loud enough for her to hear.
"Make me." she said boldly. Kusuo stopped for a moment.

'I mean... I could. Not because I would enjoy it, only to prove a point.'

He slowly approached the leaning girl, getting into the same position as before. Y/N felt her eyes widen and her pupils dilate.
'No way. He isn't actually...' Y/N watched as Kusuo leaned close to her face, causing her to squeeze both her legs together and to calculate her breaths.

Kusuo gently leaned towards her ear, trying not to let a smirk form on his face.
"Who's flustered now?" he huskily whispered. Y/N felt herself exhale, almost falling to the ground.
"I- my- but- you-" she stuttered as she stood still. Kusuo smiled slightly at her nervous form, it made his heart flutter.

'You're adorable, you know that?' he thought to himself as he stared at the flustered girl. But he stopped himself as he walked away.
'What is wrong with me?'

Y/N didn't see Kusuo until the end of the day. Part of her was relieved that the whole situation was done with, but another part of her hated how flirtatious he was being.

Okay, she didn't exactly hate it. She enjoyed it a bit too much, to be exact.

But she didn't understand why he was doing it. She shook off the thought, and began to run up to him.
"Kusuo!" she exclaimed. Usually when one of Kusuo's friends tries to get his attention, he feels nothing but hatred for them. It attracts a lot more attention than needed. But when Y/N does it, he doesn't care about the wandering eyes that watch her sprint towards him.

'That's surprising.'

"Kusuo! My TV is fixed! I got it fixed before I got fired!" Y/N exclaimed with a massive grin on her face.
"You got fired?" he asked with concern.
"Shut up, that doesn't matter." she stated, pulling out her phone. She quickly swiped before handing him her phone vertically.

A YouTube video was playing of a Minecraft game. Kusuo found the video's gameplay exciting, as the two people PVP'd with only potatoes. He passed the phone back to the girl once the video was finished.
"I bought the game last night, do you wanna play it today?" Y/N asked him. He stared down at her.
"Sure, are we doing the same thing as in the video?" he asked. She blew a raspberry before smirking.
"Of course we are! I want to kill you with a potato!"

Kusuo scoffed, earning a nudge from the girl next him.
"That's if I go easy on you." he stated plainly, earning a gasp from Y/N.
"I could totally beat you!" she exclaimed. He rolled his eyes.
"Only in your dreams," he paused before smirking. "darling.

Y/N stopped walking before punching Kusuo in the back.
"Bring back my grumpy Kusuo!" she exclaimed, furrowing her eyebrows.
"Your Kusuo?" he teased, enjoying her disturbed figure. She felt herself evaporate, literally.
"I'm going to kill you so hard with a potato." Y/N grumbled.

She walked in front of him before turning around with a smile.
"Cmon magic boy! For someone with powers you're slower than a snail!" she laughed before turning back around. She could talk about his powers aloud, as they were alone on the street, so she used that to her advantage to make fun of him.
'Slight payback for before.'

Kusuo stared at the girl as she merrily skipped towards her home. A glint of light sparkled in his eyes as he watched her. All his negative thoughts disappeared as he only thought about her.
'I really don't deserve you.'

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