𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗴𝗶𝗳𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝗿𝗮𝗶𝗻

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glancing at all the items. Her eyes, however, landed on the pin section. A certain rain cloud pin, a small face drew on top with furrowed eyebrows and a frown. It was adorable. She didn't hesitate to purchase the pin, along with some more envelopes and paper.

She was dreading her weekend shift at work. It was only a part time job, one she only had for work experience reasons. Y/N wanted to ease into the work life, and luckily her best friend Chisato Mera was also working there. But then again, she worked everywhere.

Y/N wonders how the poor girl deals with it all.

Maybe that was one thing that kept her doing her job: knowing that she only had to work once a week on a Sunday. Usually a rest day for some, but Y/N didn't mind.

As she stepped outside, she noticed the pattering of the rain slightly tap against her head. It was slightly soothing to say the least. Her eyes slightly fluttered closed as she let herself soak in the feeling.

Only for a moment.

Her thoughts clouded her mind: mainly of the pink haired boy she had gotten close to. But alas, she had to continue with her day. Otherwise she would've seemed weird to those around her if she was standing still in the rain. Pretending as if the rain bothered her, she slightly lifted her jacket over her head.

She had decided to go out shopping after hanging out with Kusuo, and now that she was finished she had no idea what she intended to do next. Maybe she needed a moment to think about her feelings.

As she arrived home, she didn't hesitate to lay in her bed. She softly hummed a tune, unsure of what it was. Nevertheless, Y/N let herself think about Kusuo Saiki. Was there are possibility with him? No, there wasn't.

First of all, he had better options. Well, in Y/N's opinion. Kokomi Teruhashi, one of the prettiest and perfect women Y/N had ever met. And now she knew of her secret crush on the pink haired boy, all chances of possible romance were diminished.

Secondly, her best friend still had a small crush on the boy. What if she lost that friendship over something so tiny? Y/N couldn't bare to lose Chiyo, she mattered too much to her.

But Y/N couldn't also afford to lose Kusuo. Maybe she'd still have him slightly, through the letters. But she couldn't live with herself if she lost him and her best friend. All because of her own conflicted feelings.

God. She had a serious rain cloud in her head.

Y/N bit her lip before grabbing her phone. She didn't hesitate to call up Chiyo, and decide to talk things out. She had to get the feeling off her chest, and being honest was the best way to do so.

It was risky. The possibility of losing her best friend was high. But she had hope.

"Chiyo, can we talk?" Y/N asked softly, tears threatening to spill from her eyes.
"Of course, what's wrong?" the girl asked from the other line. Y/N opened her mouth before feeling herself choke on her words.
"Can you come over?" she asked huskily. The girl heard a 'mhm' before the call was immediately hung up.

Not long after, Yumehara arrived at the girl's home. Y/N didn't hesitate to sob into the girl's arms, which Chiyo warmly accepted. She gently rubbed small circles on the crying girl's back, letting out soft 'sh' noises to soothe her.

The two sat down on the couch seated in the living room. The air had a slight vanilla smell to it, due to the small infuser plugged into the wall.
"Tell me everything." Chiyo stated, rubbing small circles on Y/N's hand. Her glossy (e/c) pupils dilated slightly before she let out a shaky breath.
"I have feelings for Kusuo Saiki." Y/N stated, a small frown on her face. Quickly, she glanced at Yumehara's shocked yet relieved expression.

"Oh my god, thank goodness." Yumehara placed a hand on her chest. Y/N stared at her confused.
"What?" Y/N questioned her relieved state. Shouldn't she be angry at her?
"I thought you were about to tell me you were moving away or didn't want to be friends!" Chiyo said, hugging the girl. Y/N chuckled, her red eyed face snuggling into Chiyo's shoulder.

"I'm sorry if I made you paranoid Y/N," she apologised. "but if that's how you feel then I can't stop that." Y/N sighed in relief.
"I really needed to get that off my chest." Y/N stated, leaning back into the couch. Chiyo chuckled slightly, leaning on her hand.
"Are you planning on leaving him hints in your letters?" she asked.

Y/N bit her lip.
"I don't know, maybe?" Y/N simply shrugged.
"Well, even if he doesn't feel the same way," Chiyo began, scooting closer to Y/N. "there will always be someone there for you in the future."

Y/N opened her mouth to speak, but was interrupted by Chiyo once more.
"Besides! We're in high school. Romances don't usually last anyways," she explained smiling widely. Y/N nodded her head.
"Yeah. I guess I was worrying over nothing." Y/N frowned slightly. Chiyo looked at the girl before widening her eyes.

"Y/N, are you...?" She went to ask but stopped herself.
"Am I what?" Y/N questioned, wiping her eyes slightly.
"Nevermind. Let's watch a movie, yeah?" Chiyo suggested. Y/N nodded, getting more relaxed into the couch.

While the two looked for a movie, the silence was disturbed by the soft pattering of the rain.

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