𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗴𝗶𝗳𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝗷𝗲𝗮𝗹𝗼𝘂𝘀𝘆

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slightly awkward. Y/N felt as if Kusuke was purposely trying to get close to her. The constant times he would 'accidentally' touch hands with her, or always agree on whatever she was saying.

And do not get me started on that terrible fake laugh he would let out every time Y/N said something remotely funny.

Another thing that annoyed her as a result of Kusuke being overly clingy was Kusuo's gaze on her. It was bitter and send a terrifying chill down her spine. The idea of him being a psychic didn't help calm her thoughts either, as she wondered what he could possibly be possible of.

But she shouldn't be scared of him. Powers or no powers, he was still her Kusuo Saiki she knew and loved.

Y/N exhaled quietly, going noticed by Saiki as Kusuke had accidentally grabbed the pitcher of water as she did. He glared at their hands touching.

He had no idea why he did, but the idea of Kusuke and Y/N getting close bothered him. It made him detest his brother more than he already did. Was he jealous? No. He couldn't be jealous.

'Jealousy isn't what this is. I just really hate my brother.' Kusuo thought as he watched his brother fake laugh for the millionth time. Y/N stood up from her seat, her food almost completely gone.
"I need to use your bathroom, where is it?" Y/N asked.

"Let me lead the way," Kusuke offered, but his mother shut him up.
"No dear, I am sure that Y/N can find the bathroom on her own. Just down that hallway to the left." Kuromi explained. Y/N nodded her head with a smile, walking towards the bathroom.

Kusuo glared at Kusuke, who gave him a smug smile.
"You're both unbelievable." Kuromi stated, her husband nodding along.
"Dinner hasn't been so awkward in ages." he mumbled with a frown, poking at his potatoes.
"I am simply trying to get to know her better, mother." Kusuke said venomously.

"By making her uncomfortable." Kusuo stated coldly, taking a bite of his beef. Kusuke stared at him for a moment.
"Me? Making her uncomfortable? I believe I am not the one sending possessive glares her way." Kusuke retaliated. Kusuo felt a vein pop in his head, his eyebrows furrowed.
"They weren't possessive glares you-"

"Sorry, I'm back. Uhm," Y/N stood idly near the hallway. "may I speak to you, Kusuo?" she asked nervously. He nodded his head, silence filling the room and he stood up from his chair. The pair walked out the room and towards Kusuo's room.

"Now look what you've done." Kusuke's dad said to his boy. Kusuke gave him a bewildered expression.

"What is wrong? Why are you so upset?" Y/N asked, interrupting the pink haired boy. Her arms were crossed as she leaned close to his face. He was slightly intimidated, as her stance reminded him of his mother.
"I am not upset." he stated plainly.

Y/N scoffed, rubbing her nose bridge.
"I know when you're upset Kusuo. I'm not stupid." she retaliated, giving him a blank stare.
"It's my brother." he answered, earning a softer look from the girl.

'Is he jealous? I don't see why he should be when he has plenty of girls practically begging for him to just look their way. Oh god. I'm also jealous.'

"Your brother has been nothing but nice to me. Even if it is fake." Y/N stated, not looking at the boy in front of her.
"It's a trick, I know what-"
"Are you jealous of him?" Y/N asked, feeling her confidence emerge.

Kusuo stared at her for a moment.
"What is there to be jealous of?" he asked. Y/N felt her eyes widen.
"I don't like this." she mumbled, her lips frowning. "I hate arguing with you."
The pink haired boy watched the girl's distressed appearance.

"Tell me the truth, please." she begged, her eyes soft. He couldn't help the temptation of the look she was giving him.
"Fine. I'm jealous." he commented quietly. However, Y/N definitely heard it.
"Okay. That's all I wanted to know." she exhaled, turning her head upwards to look at the boy.

"You're one of my only friends who I care about." Kusuo admitted, causing Y/N's cheeks to warm.
"As bad as that sounds." he added. Y/N chuckled slightly.
"I understand, antennas. But you're making dinner with your family uncomfortable. Talk to me god dammit!" Y/N joked, hitting his chest with her fist. He was like a wall, Y/N noted.

"Only if I am forced to." he joked back, earning a large smile from Y/N. She stared at him before quickly pecking his cheek. Why? She had no idea.

A confidence boost was surely in play, as she wouldn't dare to do it before. But maybe it was because her thoughts felt more clear now she knew how much Kusuo cared about her. It warmed her heart.

What warmed Kusuo's heart was that small kiss on the cheek. He wasn't the affectionate kind of person, but somehow the small contact sent tingles down his body. To make matters worse, he felt those same butterflies he felt when he received the coffee jelly maker from the mysterious messenger as he did now. Was it the nervous look Y/N had afterwards? Or maybe the confidence to pull such a move.

No. Kusuo knew why he enjoyed it slightly, to which he would only admit. It was because it was Y/N who did it.

"Sorry, uhm, I couldn't think of another way to thank you for everything." she explained, rubbing her neck sheepishly. Kusuo simply nodded his head with a tiny smile plastered on his face.
"It's fine." he said, ruffling her hair before walking past her. Y/N pouted as she tried to fix her hair.

The two arrived back at the table. The rest of the family couldn't tell if the conversation went well based on the pink haired boy's emotionless expression, but they could by the static (h/c) haired girl who entered afterwards.

While the three children decided to play some of Kusuo's off brand games on his gaming console, the two adults stood next to each other while watching them.
"What are you thinking about honey?" he asked her. "I'm not a psychic like our son." he joked. The woman slightly chuckled, hugging her husband.
"I'm just glad he's happy," she said with tears in her eyes. He hugged her back, the two of them sobbing.
"My baby boy is finally happy!"
"Oh I am so proud of him!"

Kusuo mentally rolled his eyes at his parent's reactions. His eyes landed on Y/N who was losing to Kusuke in the race, but she kicked the controller out his hand causing her to win.

His parents were right about one thing. He was definitely much happier.

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