𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗴𝗶𝗳𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝗯𝗶𝗿𝘁𝗵𝗱𝗮𝘆𝘀

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daughter's hair, she hastily took many photos in various lightings of the young girl.
"Oh, my sweet Y/N!" her mother coddled her daughter's face in between her hands, leaving a lot of kisses on her temple. "You're getting so old!"

Y/N smiled at the affection her mother was giving her. After all, it was her birthday. Y/N had talked to many people who say they hate their birthday, that they dislike all the attention they receive.

Y/N, however, saw her birthday in a different route. Her birthday, like any other birthday, was a time for those she knew best to celebrate and treasure all moments they had together. Some very different people all coming together to share the love they have, even if it supposed to be directed on one person.

It also made her parents overjoyed, which she loved to see. Was it probably because it gave them an excuse to have a drink that night? Most likely, but it didn't mean their happiness towards their daughter growing up wasn't real. More like the drink was a bonus to the event.

Y/N had invited a numerous number of people. She invited her three best friends: Chiyo, Chisato and Kokomi. It was obvious they had to be there, as she adored them to bits. In fact, the three girls were
Y/N's inspiration for her party favour. A goodie bag personalised to each person.

Y/N also invited Kusuo, which was something you were probably expecting. Y/N didn't like to pick favourites but, if she was being honest with herself, she was looking forward to seeing the pink haired the most.

Y/N also invited a few boys from her class whom she had spoken to a few times, aware that they were close to Y/N's friends - especially Kusuo.

The boys received the invite during class, to which the trio thought hard on what they were going to buy for the girl. However, they were stumped on a gift. Once their eyes trailed to their pink haired friend, smiles brimmed all their faces.

"Saiki!" "Buddy!" "S-Saiki!"

The pinkette looked at the trio, a stern expression on his face.
"We need help deciding what to buy for L/N's party." The purple haired of the three admitted, earning a nod from the fluffy haired boy next to him.
"We thought we'd ask you since she's your girlfriend and all." The blonde one said, a smile on his face.

Kusuo managed to stop his face from turning beet red at Nendou's statement, to which caused him to go into a state of silence. According to the trio, this meant that he would love to go shopping with them to find the perfect gift for Y/N.

They weren't the only trio in desperate measures for a gift. The three girls had already gotten Y/N gifts, however felt as if they needed one last thing to really add the finishing touch. And so, they too were in the mall the day before Y/N's birthday, looking aimlessly for presents for the (E/C) eyed girl.

"How about these pair of sandals?" Nendou suggested, pointing at zebra printed sandals. They were flashy and down right hideous.
'No, I think she'd rather die than be seen in those.' Kusuo thought as he shook his head.
"How about these boots? They've got cool chains and flames on them!" Kuboyasu suggested, pointing at a pair of high heeled boots with dangling chains and painted on flames at the side.

'She'd be taller than me in those things.' Kusuo thought as he examined the boots, imagining the girl in them. A smile was brought to his face as he imagined her struggling to walk, her laughing while asking for help from the boy. He shook his head, slightly embarrassed he got sidetracked so easily.

"Uhm, how about these?" Kaidou pointed out a pair of trainers with patterned ladybugs on the side. Kusuo stared at them before slightly nodding his head. The blue haired briskly grabbed the item before turning back to Kusuo.
"Wait! We don't know her shoe size!" he exclaimed.

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