𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗴𝗶𝗳𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝘆𝗼𝘂

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fan club had been lectured to death. Not only did Kusuo scorn them anonymously using his powers, but when Kokomi heard the news about Y/N, she also stood up to them.

Speaking of which, Y/N returned safely home after her unexpected expedition. Nevertheless, she got to kiss the love of her life, so it was worth it in the end. Spinning in the chair in her room, she gently placed the letter she wrote for her psychic into a random shoe box. She quickly peeled a pink sticky note and wrote, 'Important - Do not discard.'

Even if Kusuo had told her to tell him her feelings in words, she was still going to keep the letter. She wrote it in a moment of pure emotion. Maybe someday in the future he'd be able to read it. She placed the shoebox underneath her bed to secure its secrecy.

Y/N's eyes trailed to her bedroom window. She fiddled with the friendship bracelet on her wrist as she approached it. The serene glow of the sun calmed her nerves of the impactful day she had. Her heart felt full — a feeling she couldn't describe with mere words. Words wouldn't live up to the love she felt for him.

Snapped out of her trance, a small ladybug flew around her face. Her instinct to usually swat it had disappeared, and she just watched the tiny ladybug do it's own thing. To live a simple life of a ladybug, Y/N thought, must be easy. But she didn't want simple.

If Y/N wanted simple and a life with no surprises, she wouldn't have connected with Chiyo and Chisato in the way that she had. If Y/N wanted no surprises, her and Kokomi wouldn't have blossomed an amazing friendship that helped them both explore out of their comfort zones.

If Y/N wanted no surprises, she would have never fallen in love with Kusuo Saiki.

So Y/N was not envious of the little ladybug who lived life without having to worry about life's problems. Because that little ladybug didn't get to feel how Y/N felt. The best way to describe it is the satisfying feeling of taking a deep breath after pushing your limits. Y/N exhausted herself into making those around her like her, but she earned more than that.

She realised the true value of those she loved and cared about.

Her delicate fingers fiddled with the locket necklace, as if she could feel him there. Y/N would wait though. She would wait forever for him. As cute as that would be, Y/N was a little impatient and she did pace her room. Possibly she could head back near the school to check if he was still there. Or maybe she was still shook up by the kidnapping that she was overthinking again.

Her mind raced a million miles. Maybe it was good Kusuo wasn't here, otherwise she'd feel bad for the migraine she would give him just from her overthinking.

Well, too late. Kusuo teleported into her room. He scanned the room but his stern and cold expression immediately softened as he saw his Y/N. She turned around and she sighed in relief.

"Oh- You were taking so long, I thought-" Her words were cut off when she felt his arms engulf her. Y/N widened her eyes a little, feeling her heart hammer in her chest. Slowly, her hands gripped the green cotton of his blazer, and her eyes fluttered shut. Y/N rested her head on his shoulder, breathing a sigh of contempt.

"I'm here now." Kusuo said as he pulled back away from her with hesitance. He seemed to be drawn to her like a bee and nectar. Y/N let out a soft chuckle, gazing into his eyes. Her thoughts seemed to clear as she stared at him.
"Where do we begin?" She asked with a sheepish smile.

"Here," Kusuo mumbled as he grabbed her hand with another wrapped around her waist. Even if he was tired, he would use his strength to teleport then again. Back to their spot. The waterfall.

Y/N sighed softly as the familiar sounds of water crashing into rocks filled her ears. It was cliché, but she loved it. She looked back up at him after taking in the scenery she was familiar with. The exact spot she realised she had fallen in love with Kusuo. It was the perfect place to tell him too.

"I think about this place often," Kusuo admitted as he kept his eyes on the waterfall. His heart was pounding in his chest, and he was using his pyrokenesis to stop himself from blushing red. It was a well known fact Kusuo didn't do affection. He didn't do love or any sort of romance. Not until now. Not until his eyes were opened to the wonders of

She could make him do anything.

"C'mon," Y/N smiled as she headed towards the waterfall. She had never actually been in the water, but she assumed it might be a fun experience. Her legs twirled around, the water splashing up them. She kept a bit of a distance from the waterfall, unbeknownst that Kusuo was simply enamoured as he watched her.

He didn't want to follow in and get wet. But he did want to be near her, so it was a sacrifice he would easily pay.

Kusuo followed in, allowing the water vapour to cool his skin instead of using his powers. His body relaxed a bit as he took in the feeling of the water against his legs. It was soothing, and almost perfect. His eyes shifted down to Y/N, and a loving smile brimmed his lips. Now it was perfect.

His arm snaked around her waist, pulling her closer to him. The action made her let out a soft chuckle of surprise, but by no means was she against it. Y/N softly looked up at him, the feeling in her heart almost becoming a norm.

"Good grief, I love you." Kusuo said, each word rolling off his tongue. It meant even more to Y/N, since it wasn't him using his telepathy. He actually spoke the words. Kusuo was not nervous for Y/N's reaction. He loved her enough to trust her with anything. He knew she'd love him too, because he had faith in the both of them.

"I love you too."

The words fell off her lips so naturally, like they were destined to be spoken to him. Kusuo felt his whole world beam lighter just by hearing them. He held her close to him, and he couldn't stop smiling. Had he ever been this happy? No, he knew that for certain.

Kusuo's hand trailed to his face. His cheeks were wet. It couldn't be from the water trickling from the waterfall. Was he... crying?

Kusuo had never cried before. But for a second time in his life, he accepted the new emotion and he cried. He sobbed as he held onto Y/N tightly. She softly wiped his tears with her hands, but she did not instruct him to stop.

She understood him like that.

She knew he needed to cry. It was him slowly becoming more human. Not like he wasn't human already, but more like the person he wanted to he. Not some soulless psychic who was too powerful to experience emotions. He was a human who was falling in love and crying.

It felt amazing to cry.

He held her tightly, the sounds of his sobs muffled by the sound of the waterfall. Y/N knew it was out of character for him to cry, but it made her love him more. A few tears slipped out of her eyes as well and she rested her head against his chest.

It took two minutes for him to calm down. He relaxed himself and he planted a soft kiss on Y/N's head, as a unspoken message he was alright. He would always be more than alright with her in his arms.

And so, the two stood holding each other with the comforting sounds of water overlapping any other noise. Even still, their heartbeats synced together like a song, a song they both could hear. A song that was messy and had jangled lyrics, but it was a song.

Their lives may have had no surprises, but their biggest surprise was each other.

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