𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗴𝗶𝗳𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲

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the unopened letter on her desk. Y/N sat uncomfortably in her chair, biting on her nail while leaning her head on her knee. She wanted to desperately open the letter Kusuo gave her, but her nerves caused her hands to shake.

All her mind could trail to was the kiss.

She knew now, he wasn't just teasing her. It must've meant something. Kusuo Saiki wasn't the one for teasing: or was he? He had given her small kisses before in the past, but nothing on the lips. The letter could reveal his true intentions. She only wished she had his powers, so she could read his mind.

But what if what laid inside the envelope was the gate to his thoughts?

Y/N bit her lip, grabbing the envelope with shaking hands. She slowly ripped the envelope, her eyes trailing down at the neat penmanship.

Dear Y/N,

I am writing to you to inform you of my situation, as I want to be as clear and honest with you as I could possibly be. For the past months, you've managed to make my head spin. These feelings you leave me with are indescribable, which is why I won't go into much depth about them. I'd rather do that in person.

I am aware of the identity of the mysterious messenger. That being you. You are my mysterious messenger.

Over the past months, you have managed to surprise me each day with your words. Undeniably, it makes me smile. But it wasn't just the letters that made me feel this way, it was you. To be frank, you were my first initial thought when I read the letters. And at first I assumed it was you. Somehow, you managed to fool me into overthinking my assumption.

I'd like to talk about this more in person, as I realise my formal tone in writing. I'll talk to you soon.

Love, your strawberry shortcake.

Y/N squealed, kicking her legs back and forth as she tried to steady her beating heart. Her mother was alerted by the noise, briskly entering the room. Obvious bags laid under the woman's eyes, her eyebrows furrowed at her excited daughter.

"Jesus, Y/N. Would you shut up? Me and your father have a massive hangover and you're not-" The woman was interrupted by her daughter hugging her tightly while jumping up and down. The girl handed her mother the letter, to which she slowly read. The woman's eyes suddenly sparkled, a smile forming on her face.

Her eyes shifted to her grinning daughter, bringing her into a bear-like hug.
"Oh, my baby!" The mother felt tears brim her eyes. "I wish me and your dad didn't get so drunk last night so I could've met him!" Her mother admitted into the girl's shoulder.

Y/N released herself from her grasp.
"I think I love him." Y/N breathed out, laying down onto her bed while clutching the letter to her heart. "Or maybe I'm just overthinking things," Y/N mumbled. Her mother sat down next to her, brushing hairs out of the girl's face.

"Love varies dear," the woman began, causing the girl to sit up and look at her mother. "it can come quickly, or later on in life." Y/N bit her lip, trailing her thumb against the letter. Her eyes shifted towards the ground, a sigh escaping her lips.
"Besides," her mother began "he seems like a keeper."  The woman winked at her daughter, causing Y/N to hide her face in embarrassment.

Kusuo needed to get his thoughts clear so he headed towards the waterfall Y/N had shown him, and were they had almost kissed. His brother was back home, constantly poking fun of Kusuo and his feelings. Meanwhile, Kusuo refrained from murdering his own brother for exposing his psychic powers to his best friend.

Best friend.

She wasn't just a friend to Kusuo, she was way more than that. Kusuo had felt something similar to how he felt towards Y/N, but not this strong. He had small admiration for Satou Hiroshi, since he was the most average boy in school. Something Kusuo aspired to be. Other than that, he had felt nothing like this.

Maybe his goal to be average was a silly thought. Would he ever be average? He'd always be a psychic, no matter what. And some how people, who on their own are strange or unique enough, would be drawn to him. Even if he didn't want the attention.

But Y/N made that different.

When Y/N was around, she treated him like he was an average school boy. She generously gifted him with letters and presents, all just to see him smile. In fact, Y/N had treated him as if he was just some high school crush she was trying to impress. And even despite what Kusuo hopes her feelings are, her true intentions weren't ever for her own self gain. It was to make him smile, to make him surprised.

Oh, and the attention thing. He craved her attention. A minute with her was a minute in heaven, a moment were he could truly be who he wanted to be. A normal person. He rarely used his powers around Y/N unless he wanted to. And he liked it. Maybe he did like the attention after all, as long as it was from Y/N.

And so, he sighed. Staring up at the night sky illuminated by the burning of the stars. He'd have to wait till tomorrow to hear her thoughts, but until then, Kusuo knew for certain.

He was in love with Y/N L/N.

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