𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗴𝗶𝗳𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝘄𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗳𝗮𝗹𝗹𝘀

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cream, a small smile on both of their faces.
"That aquarium was fun! Thanks for taking me, Kusuo." Y/N thanked the pink haired, to which he nodded. His thoughts were running like wild, only just processing that Y/N was the one behind everything. Then an idea hit him.

"Y/N." he grabbed her hand, staring directly into her eyes. "I wanna go somewhere." Y/N stared at him, her heart pounding at his smiling yet stern expression, one she adored. She nodded with a grin, placing the small tissue that was wrapped around the cone in the nearest bin.
"Then lead the way!"

The two had been walking for a bit, heading towards a more green area. Y/N bit her lip, staring at the various trees surrounding her while the boy in front of her treaded ahead. She knew this place, like it was the back of her hand.
"Kusuo," she breathed out as the two made it to the very familiar waterfall. Y/N hadn't been here in ages, almost making the scenario more euphoric for her.

She breathed out, placing a hand on her chest as she stared at the scenery. The light from the sun made the water twinkle, as it contrasted with the various plants shaded in green. Spots of colours dotted in the green from wild flowers that Y/N recalled picking to make a flower crown when she was younger.

Kusuo stared at the girl, his heart fluttering as he watched her lips curl upward. He pulled out his phone as the girl turned around to him. Y/N latched onto him, hugging him tightly. Kusuo didn't hesitate to hug back, feeling the girl squeeze her head into his shoulder.
"Thank you," she muttered softly, before pulling out of the hug.

Y/N stared at Kusuo's hand that laid on her waist, a phone inside of it. She raised an eyebrow, staring back up at him.
"What's that for?" she asked. Kusuo grabbed a few yen from his wallet and sat down crossed on the floor. Y/N copied his actions, watching Kusuo hover his hand over the money. As he wiped his hand away, a pair of wired earbuds appeared.

He picked up the earbuds, plugging them into his phone. He placed one in his ear, before getting comfortably seated so he was facing the waterfall and leaning back on a tree. Y/N crawled next to him, stretching out her legs onto the grass floor. Kusuo handed her an earbud, to which she smiled as she took it. She gently placed it in her ear while Kusuo began to shuffle his playlist.

Y/N immediately recognised the tune of 'No Surprises', a grin forming on her mouth. She gently leaned her head on Kusuo's shoulder, to which he laid his head on her's. The two stared at the scenery, unconsciously linking their hands together like the twine on a basket.

Kusuo opened his eyes, his gaze shifted to the waterfall reflecting the night sky and shining moon. He stared at the figure leaning on him, a smile grazing his lips. He gently nudged her, to which she slowly began to wake.
"We fell asleep," Y/N mumbled as she stared up at the sky. She chuckled slightly before leaning back onto Kusuo.

"You alright?" he asked the girl, to which she hummed.
"I'm more than alright, Kusuo." Y/N exhaled, staring up at the stars. The pink haired lifted his head so he could see the girl's face past her (H/C) hair.
"And why's that?" he asked. Y/N stared up at him, the two making direct eye contact.
"Because I'm with you." Y/N mumbled, loud enough for the boy to hear.

Y/N's eyes flickered to Kusuo's lips, his gaze doing the same. Y/N began to fidget with her geranium ring, as the two began to lean closer to one another. As she began to lid her eyes, Kusuo sighed.
"What are you doing to me?" he mumbled, his mouth moving as he spoke. Y/N widened her eyes, staring at the pinkette. He softly stared at her, a glint of light in his eye.
"You mean so much to me, you know that?" Kusuo leaned his head on the girl's shoulder.

All Y/N could do is freeze, but in a comfortable way. She wanted to hear Kusuo talk about his feelings, since it was the one thing she wanted to understand. Wasn't this what the whole letters were about? To make him happy? So she had to know if he was doing okay, because she cared a lot about him.

"Kusuo," Y/N exhaled, feeling the boy's head slightly lift. "I...care about you a lot, and if you need to talk to me, I'm here." Y/N reassured the boy.
'I'm such a liar. I don't just care about him, do I?'
Y/N watched as the boy lifted his head, his classic stern expression except his eyebrows were slightly titled down. When his gaze met Y/N, his eyes sparkled and a small smile met his lips.

"Thank you," he spoke, Y/N watching his lips move with his words as if he had never spoke before. She was struggling to keep her gaze off them, luckily however she could control her urge to kiss him there. Her eyes trailed to his eyes, to which she smiled. She gently placed her forehead onto his, closing her eyes. Kusuo stared at her, his heart pounding as he resisted the urge to close the gap between the two.

Y/N had to admit it to herself: it wasn't just a crush anymore.

Y/N finally allowed her heart to beat like a drum, allowed the butterflies in her stomach to flutter, allowed the warmth in her cheeks to flow and allowed Kusuo Saiki to steal her heart. It was no surprise. A smile spread on her lips as she thought:

'I love you, Kusuo.'

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