𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗴𝗶𝗳𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝗽𝘀𝘆𝗰𝗵𝗼𝗺𝗲𝘁𝗿𝘆

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paced around the living room, biting her nail. Her thoughts were running wild, while her son simply watched with slight guilt. The woman stopped in her tracks, allowing herself to release a breath she was holding. Her eyes shifted to the pink haired teen, who simply looked at her confused.

"Ku, dear." She began, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Tell me when this all began, hm?"

Kusuo began to trace his thoughts, leaning back on the couch.
"I started feeling this feeling after I started getting these random letters," Kusuo began, trying to keep his hands from shaking. He hadn't opened up like this before, and admitted to these new emotions he was experiencing. It was difficult for him.

"They became much more obvious the more I received the letters." Kusuo explained. His mother nodded her head before grabbing Kusuo's hands gently.
"Then why don't you write a letter to this person explaining how you feel." she suggested. Kusuo sighed slightly, a small frown on his lips.

"It's more complicated than that." he commented, causing his mother to sit down next to him.
"Tell me, Ku." she gently smiled at the boy, to which he rubbed his nose-bridge.
"It's not just the letters that are making me feel this way." he stated. Kurumi tilted her head, her expression soft as she stared at her son.

"It's..." Kusuo paused. His heart paced fast: just thinking about her in this way, it made him feel like jelly.
"It's Y/N." Kurumi widened her eyes at the boy's words, resisting the urge to scream in excitement. She knew how hard it was for her son to open up like this. In the past, she had teased him for many of his close female friends. However, he had never seen him in such a state.

"Everything to do with her," Kusuo closed his eyes, leaning his head back fully onto the couch. "it drives me crazy."
"Ku, could you describe how you feel when you're around Y/N?" his mother asked, a gentle look in her eyes. Kusuo stared at her before nodding his head.
"I feel... some sort of freedom." Kusuo admitted.

"I don't feel like I have to portray myself in a certain way around her." The pink haired stared at the ceiling, a small smile forming onto his lips. His mother took very much notice.
"I can just be me." he stated. "And I like myself when I am with her." Kusuo stopped himself, placing a hand on his head.

Kurumi gently rubbed the boy's shoulder, before pulling him into a side hug. He didn't hug back, but allowed his mother to comfort him.
"Ku, dear. I think you've found yourself someone you may want to spend the rest of your life with." she smiled at the boy. "Someone you can love, just as I have with your father."
"But what about the person sending the letters?" Kusuo asked.

"Well, first of all," Kurumi gave her son a cheeky smile. "you automatically assumed the person I was talking about was Y/N." Kusuo furrowed his eyebrows, feeling his heart beat faster.
"Second, why don't you just find out who this person sending you the letters is?" Kurumi asked. "That way, you can determine if you prefer them over

Kusuo shook his head.
"But I don't know who is sending me the letters. It's not like I can-" Kusuo froze. His mother gave him a smug smirk before standing up.
"I guess you have some investigating to do." she winked at him before walking towards the kitchen.

Kusuo ran up to his room, searching his drawers for one of the letters. Pulling the one with the spotify code on it, he placed it on the desk.
'How was I so stupid to not realise it sooner? I can find out who wrote this letter using psychometry.'
Kusuo slowly took off one of his thin gloves, swallowing a lump that was in his throat. He gently placed his hand on the paper, his eyes widening as he stared at the writer in his mind.

Y/N groaned in her seat, fiddling with the pen in her hand. She had to write Kusuo another letter for tomorrow, but she was too conflicted on her words. Every time she would write something, it came out too obvious that she cared a little too much about the pinkette.
'He only has himself to blame for what happened earlier.' Y/N thought as she remembered the position she was in before with Kusuo. Her cheeks warmed, causing her to slam her head on her desk.

She stared at her pen, which began to roll on the wooden desk due to the contact of her head.
'Maybe I should just wish him good luck on that exam tomorrow.' Y/N grabbed the small box of assorted treats and placed it next to her.
'But... I haven't given him a big gift in a while.'

Y/N stared at the piggy bank on her desk. She groaned, grabbing it and taking out the cork from its belly. She shook the pig, watching as money fell out of it. She had ¥6500, causing her to bite her lip. As she began to think, Y/N felt a weird stare on her. She looked around the room, noticing no other life forms. Y/N sighed, standing up and closing the curtains.

However, as she stared out the window, her eyes landed on a small pond of fish outside. Her eyes widened as she ran to her computer.
"Come on, please be cheap." Y/N mumbled to herself, opening the website to the nearest aquarium. She clicked on the tickets, a smile forming her face. She air punched while letting out a small

Y/N quickly picked up the pen, speed writing her thoughts onto paper before briskly jumping out of her chair. Her eyes wandered her closet as she looked for a comfortable set of trainers to wear.

"Bingo!" she exclaimed, grabbing a pair of trainers, slightly worn out and dirty. She began to put on the pair of shoes and head towards the aquarium, where she would buy two tickets for Kusuo Saiki.

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