𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗴𝗶𝗳𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝗵𝗼𝗻𝗲𝘀𝘁𝘆

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him eventually, but she desperately wanted to avoid the moment entirely. Confrontation wasn't exactly the best feeling in the world, especially when it came to trying to spill a secret you know the other person doesn't want you to know.

But she knew she couldn't keep repeating songs or nursery rhymes in her head when she didn't want to wear her ring.

Y/N had PE on the first day back, meaning she wouldn't be wearing her ring that day since jewellery wasn't allowed. And she knew she didn't have the energy to keep her thoughts in track. She would only blame herself for overthinking all night and not get an ounce of sleep, but she still decided to blame the boy she had been stressing about for weeks.

Kusuo Saiki. The potential psychic.

Y/N would admit, she didn't really believe in those sorts of things. If you told her you were psychic, she'd nod along just to not make things awkward. Because that was Y/N. Too kind for her own good.

Well, that's what her boss said when he decided to fire her.

"B-But, sir-" Y/N retaliated, a nervous expression on her face. Coming into work during the holidays wasn't something she wanted to do, but to make things worse was that she was getting sacked.
"I won't hear the excuses L/N. Allowing the customer to take advantage of you like that will not be allowed in the workplace." Her boss explained as he gave her a stern expression.

Y/N bit her lip before sighing.
"I'm sorry sir." Y/N apologised. Even if she was in the right or wrong, she was in no position to argue. It could make things worse for her.
"Since you only work weekends, this will be your last shift." He stated before walking to the back with all the supplies.

Mera had instantly noticed Y/N's forlorn expression the entire shift, and so she confronted her about it.
"What's wrong Y/N?" Mera asked the girl. The (e/c) eyed girl stared at her.

Everything was wrong.

She had lost her job, she could lose her friend all because of something stupid his brother said to her, or all because of her feelings for the boy. All Y/N wanted to do was cry. All the emotions were too much for her, and she had finally cracked.

But she wouldn't crack in the middle of her shift, that would be embarrassing.

Y/N wiped her watery eyes, giving Chisato a grin.
"I'm alright, just something in my eye." Y/N let out a chuckle, pretending to pull something out her eye. Chisato eyed her before being alerted by a customer. She immediately went to help, while Y/N silently sighed in relief.

When Y/N got home that day, she didn't hesitate to cry in the shower. It was soothing, yet depressing. The mix of warm water from the shower and her salty tears sliding down her (s/c) body, was almost angelic. Other than the fact she was crying while naked.

But she had enough, and she had decided that. So, her first problem was to confront Kusuo and get the truth out of him.

As she grabbed her usual letter, placing it on the boy's desk, she noticed something was off. Not with her surroundings, but with her. Her hands shook as she went to place it down, and her heart almost stopped as she moved away from the letter. Why was she so nervous? She had done this many times before, so what was wrong?

Her lips slightly parted as she headed towards her seat, pulling out some headphones and her phone. Maybe the contents of the letter were what was making her so nervous. She never realised how her letters were just her venting how much she cared about Kusuo to Kusuo himself.

Her eyes fluttered closed as she leant down on the desk. She really need sleep, so she was going to take advantage of the free time she had.

Kusuo noticed the sleeping girl instantly. Everything since Christmas had made him too panicked to talk to her. He didn't understand his own feelings, or whatever it was. And so, he did what he usually did.

Stage one: Denial.

'Huh? I'm not in denial. I am very much certain that these new emotions I am feeling are simply just admiration in a platonic way. Y/N is a kind person, but not the annoying kind. The kind of person who simply illuminates a room with a smile, who goes out of their way just to make everyone else happy, who-'

Despite the chapter's name, it was fairly obvious that Kusuo Saiki wasn't being honest with himself.

'Good grief.'

He distracted himself by picking up the familiar letter, a smile smile grazing his lips. Even though these letters were a common occurrence, they still managed to pleasantly surprise Kusuo every time he saw them on his desk. The sun from the outside slightly brightening the letter on the desk, as if it was written by the Gods themselves.

'Dear Pink Martini,

Was that too formal? I am struggling with nicknames, and basically pretty much everything at the moment. So, I just wanted to get something off my chest, since I really do appreciate you to the moon and back!

Thank you, for everything. No amount of presents or gifts on this planet could ever make up for the joy you bring me each day.

I love the way you try make everyone happy, despite even realising it. You're always there when I need you, and I couldn't thank you more for that.

If I am really being honest with you pinkie pie, then I think it's important you know. ̷I̷ ̷t̷̷h̷̷i̷̷n̷̷k̷ ̷I̷ ̷t̷̷h̷̷i̷̷n̷̷k̷ ̷I̷ ̷m̷̷i̷̷g̷̷h̷̷t̷ ̷l̷̷o̷̷v̷̷e̷ ̷y̷̷o̷̷u̷. I love being your friend! :)

From, the girl who cares for you too much.'

Kusuo was in a little bit of shock. He felt his heart stop as he read every word, a little confused with the scribbled out words he couldn't decipher. He could reverse time on the paper, to see what she originally wrote. But he assumed she wrote the same thing but reworded it.

He stared over at the only other person who really cared about the letters: the delivery girl herself. He let out a small sigh.

'If we are being honest, then I guess I should too.'

He tapped on the sleeping girl's shoulder, to which she instantly perked up her head. As her pupils landed on Kusuo, she felt herself freeze.
"Saiki, you alright?" she gave him a sheepish smile, while rubbing her eyes.
"How much sleep did you get last night?" he asked, looking at her tired form. Y/N opened her mouth to answer, but was interrupted by Kusuo.

"Nevermind, it doesn't matter. Meet me on the rooftop at lunch. We need to talk." Y/N gulped at the serious tone of his voice.
"Yeah, sure." Y/N nodded her head, not making eye contact with the boy. He noticed, boldly placing a finger at the bottom of her chin. He lifted it slowly, forcing her to look into his sharp stare.
"And it's Kusuo." He stated before walking towards his other group of friends.

Y/N squeezed her legs together as she felt her body melt like ice cream. A simple action made her feel like jelly. Just what sort of affect did this boy have on her? She couldn't even think about his serious tone. All was plaguing her mind was how attractive he was as he lifted her chin. The feeling of his finger brushing her chin tingled in Y/N's memory.

If she was really being honest with herself: she was down bad.

authors note:
i promised i wouldn't
write another one of these BUT

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