𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗴𝗶𝗳𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝘃𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗼 𝗴𝗮𝗺𝗲𝘀

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quickly ran after the pink haired boy. She tapped his shoulder, causing him to turn his head to the (h/c) haired girl.

Y/N could've sworn she saw his face soften at the sight of her.

"Kusuo! Want to come to mine and play some video games? I have all the old Wii games." Y/N asked, walking in front of him backwards. He stared at her before nodding his head. Y/N jumped up and down, pumping her arms in the air.
"Great! Nobody has been able to play these with me," Y/N explained, staring at the boy with green glasses.

"so I am glad I have you to."

He didn't know why such a simple sentence made his heart stop slightly. It annoyed him. All she said was she was glad to have him.
He nodded once more, earning a confused look from Y/N.
'Oh god, is he okay?' Y/N thought with worry.

The two walked to the girl's house, a smile not leaving her face. The house was seemingly empty and seemed like your average family home. Y/N quickly rushed to her kitchen, opening the fridge.
Off brand fizzy drinks sat in the door of the fridge, with a small basket full of off brand chocolate. Y/N grabbed the basket, picking out a bunch of them.

Her eyes darted around the fridge once more. She briskly grabbed two cartons of coffee jelly, and two small teaspoons. Kusuo stared at the coffee jelly, his mouth slightly watering.
"Snacks are ready, and I have the special drinks in my room." Her emphasis on special slightly startled Kusuo.

He couldn't even read her thoughts to see what she meant. She still wore that ring 24/7.

The two entered the girl's room. The best way Kusuo could describe the room was the word 'Y/N'.
She quickly placed all the snacks onto her desk, Kusuo noticing all the stationary supplies.
A small mini fridge sat in the corner near the TV: Kusuo assumed it was there since all the plug sockets inhabited that wall.

She pulled out two cans of on-brand fizzy drinks, handing one to the pink haired boy.
"Here you go, strawberry shortcake." she said, handing him a pot of coffee jelly and a spoon. He quickly grabbed the coffee jelly and spoon, ready to dig in. But he stopped.

"Strawberry shortcake?" he asked, looking at her suspiciously as she set up the Wii console. Her eyes widened before she chuckled.
"You know the cartoon girl?" she asked him, to which he shook his head. Y/N scoffed jokingly, putting in the Wii Sports Resort cd.

"Lame. Shame on you for not knowing the queen strawberry shortcake." Y/N facetiously pointed at Saiki. He held his hands up in defence, to which Y/N smiled at. She grabbed two Wii remotes, handing the plain white one to Saiki.

His eyes darted to her's which had some design on it.
"Why does yours look like that?" he asked, leaning over her shoulder to view the Wii remote.
"Because," she turned her head to stare into Saiki's eyes. "I'm a princess." she stated plainly. Kusuo stared into her eyes before backing away slowly.

"It's a Peach Wii remote with motion plus inside."
Y/N explained, smirking at Kusuo.
"Okay, princess." he stated boldly as she chose sword fighting. Y/N felt her cheeks warm at the nickname, but she brushed it off.
"You're so dead bubblegum."
"I'd like to see you try, (nickname / N/N)"

"You so cheated!" Y/N exclaimed, watching as her Wii character fall off the map.
"You have no proof of me cheating." Kusuo stated plainly, smiling at the 'victory' on the screen. He had to choose one of Y/N's previously made Wii's, and lets say that they were questionable. Because they were.

"Whatever, I can totally beat you in basketball." Y/N smirked, clicking off the sword fighting game and onto basketball.
"We'll see about that." he stated boldly.

A few minutes later, Kusuo's team had scored another point. Y/N felt her blood boil in anger, her grip tight on the Wii remote. She almost unconsciously threw her Peach Wii remote with motion plus inside at the TV, earning a shocked look from Saiki and herself.

She held her mouth with her hands, staring at the broken TV screen. The two teens looked at one another, before Y/N burst out laughing.
"Holy crap, I am so dead." she said between laughs. Kusuo stared at her perturbably, raising an eyebrow.
'Shouldn't you be worried not laughing?'

Kusuo kneeled close to the screen, examining it with his eyes.
'I could reverse the actions on the TV, but this isn't my own home.' He looked back at Y/N, who was taking a bite out of her off-brand chocolate.
"Don't worry about it antennas, I'll just save up for a new one." Y/N grabbed the Wii remotes from the floor and placed them onto the shelf that was inside the TV stand.

She grabbed the disc from the Wii and gently placed it back in it's case, careful not to get her fingers on the holographic side of the cd. Y/N sat on her bed, staring at her clock.
"Want to play something else?" she asked the boy who had decided to sit on her desk chair.
"Play what? Your TV is broken."

"Way to point out the obvious," Y/N said before pulling out her phone. "We can find some stupid quiz on like animals." Y/N said scrolling through her phone. Kusuo grabbed the phone as he stood from his chair, earning a confused look from Y/N.
"Let's not. I don't want you breaking your phone as well." he gave her a stern look, to which she tsked.

"Touché." she stated, patting the space next to her on the bed. Kusuo sat down on it, staring down at
Y/N. She rested her head on his shoulder, before staring up into his magenta eyes that were blocked with shades of green.
"Want to play Mario Kart next time my TV is replaced?" she asked with a smirk.

He simply smirked back at the girl.

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