𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗴𝗶𝗳𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝗰𝗵𝗼𝗰𝗼𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗲

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empty classroom, a small letter and a chocolate bar in her hands. Her eyes peered around the hallways before exhaling in relief. She gently placed the letter on the pink haired boy's desk, with the chocolate next to it. She took a glance at the chocolate and letter before moving them, so they were perfectly aligned.

'I hope nobody thinks it's a love letter.' Y/N made sure not to put her name or anything that may resemble her onto the letter. She believed that anonymous affirmations would be better than ones from herself, that way he wouldn't link them to a person. Possibly, he could link it to someone he wanted it to be.

Y/N smiled at the chocolate and the letter before leaving the classroom. She made sure the coast was clear before walking into the hallway and back to her friends, who believed she was in the toilet.

Kusuo Saiki gently opened the sliding doors to his classroom, his eyes immediately focusing on the letter and chocolate on his desk. Many of his classmates were either smirking at him or giving him a smile. And he knew exactly why.
"It looks like you've got a secret admirer, Saiki." one student said, smugness obvious in their voice.

He assumed it was something from Teruhashi, which irked the boy. She was obsessed with the idea of him, and he hated it. Either way, he began to open the envelope, pulling out the neatly/messy written letter. He couldn't recognise the handwriting to be Teruhashi's, but that wasn't his main concern.

'Hello Saiki! I decided to gift you this gift (chocolate one of my personal favourites) to hopefully brighten your day! Keep being our wonderful flamingo haired friend!

From, mysterious messenger! :)'

Reading the written letter almost put a smile on his face. Almost. His eyes trailed down to the chocolate bar that laid on his desk.
'Although I didn't appreciate the comment about my hair, I don't mind the chocolate.'

Y/N watched silently as he began to dig into his chocolate. Nobody was really paying attention to the boy anymore, other than the (h/c) haired girl. She smiled to herself, wondering what she would give him next.

It was now lunch, and she was sitting with her friends Yumehara and Mera. The two were talking about random topics, such as life at home or food.
Y/N perked up at a certain point, however.
"Did you see that new movie coming out this weekend?" Yumehara asked Mera and L/N.
"No, what's it about?" L/N asked, tilting her head slightly.

The orange haired girl smiled widely.
"I believe it's a horror. Not my cup of tea, but critics say it's decent." Yumehara shrugged. Y/N widened her eyes, standing out her seat.
"I need to go find someone real quick," she explained, briskly putting on her bag. Mera and Yumehara looked at the (e/c) eyed girl in confusion.

"Alright," Mera smiled up at her. "We'll see you next lesson, then?" Y/N simply nodded with a soft smile. Her feet quickened as she began her search for a certain pink haired boy.

Kusuo Saiki had a suspicion who the mysterious culprit was. Well, it wasn't a suspicion. He knew who it was. Y/N L/N. She had been talking about making his day better, but he didn't expect a letter with chocolate.
'I'll admit, I was wrong.' Kusuo thought as he munched on the rest of the chocolate bar, staring at the letter once more. 'I guess I was pleasantly surprised.'

"Saiki!" Y/N exclaimed, running up to the pink haired boy.
'Speak of the devil.'
"I-I... hold on–" Y/N held her knees, trying to catch her breath. Kusuo simply stared at her, not bothering to offer his water bottle to the out of breath girl.

"What was in that letter you got this morning?" she asked, sitting down next to him. Her plan was to start a regular conversation to not seem suspicious, which surprisingly worked.
"It was just a letter to brighten my day." he explained, Y/N nodding along. He began to have an idea that maybe Y/N wasn't the culprit after all.

"It wasn't a love letter." he stated sharply, almost if he hated the idea. Y/N felt her cheeks flush slightly.
'It wasn't intended to be like that!'  Luckily for her, Kusuo Saiki was too distracted with the idea of receiving a bunch of attention from a simple love letter.
"Ah- right." Y/N giggled softly. "So, you heard about the new movie coming out this weekend? Well, technically in two days."

Kusuo raised an eyebrow. He hadn't actually, and this news perked his interest. He usually didn't go to the movies due to other people's thoughts spoiling it. But now he had his germanium ring, he could go the movies without the problem of anyone spoiling it. Yet, he wanted to save his money for that coffee jelly maker he always eyed in the store.

"No, I haven't." he simply stated, with his monotone voice like always. Y/N smiled up at him.
"Are you planning to go see it? It's a horror, or so I've heard." The (h/c) haired girl fiddled with her fingers, hoping he wasn't.
"I don't think so. I am saving my money at the moment." He explained.

He had no idea why he was explaining himself to
L/N. Maybe it was just her relaxing aura.
"Ooh, what are you saving up for?" Y/N asked, interested. Saiki hesitated for a moment.
'Doesn't she realise how embarrassing this is for me? What if I was saving up for something personal?'

"A coffee jelly maker." He commented plainly. Y/N widened her eyes slightly, before chuckling.
"Sounds about right." she added, smirking slightly. He raised an eyebrow at her.
'What is that supposed to mean?' he asked himself.
"Well, I'm going to head to class." Y/N began to stand up, brushing off her skirt/pants.

"See ya, sweet tooth!" Y/N waved at him before leaving the pink haired boy alone. Her plan was all set in motion, and now she had extra intel on the pink haired boy.

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