𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗴𝗶𝗳𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝗴𝗮𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗴

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home, Y/N immediately grabbed a couple chocolate bars from her fridge. Kusuo watched, a glint of light in his eyes as he stared at the chocolates. The glint of light didn't disappear when he moved his gaze to the grinning girl. In fact, it twinkled as his mouth formed a small smile.

"I can't wait to beat your ass!" Y/N exclaimed as she ran up her stairs. Kusuo followed behind, shaking his head slightly as he stared down at his feet. In excitement, Y/N didn't notice herself miss a step, causing her body to plummet downwards. The pink haired instincts somehow kicked in, wrapping his arms around the girl's form. Y/N cringed as she briskly pulled out of the boy's arms, not wanting him to see her embarrassed form.

Kusuo watched as the girl with a lot of energy sprinted up the stairs like nothing happened. Meanwhile, he tried to steady his beating heart. Y/N threw a chocolate bar at Kusuo, to which he obviously caught, as he entered her room.

"Alright, since you have psychic abilities it is only fair that I," Y/N placed a hand on her chest, closing her eyes with a wide smile. "Princess Y/N of Pen Island gets the non broken controller." Kusuo rolled his eyes, a stern expression on his face.
"Princess Y/N of Pen Island?" he asked her, to which she nodded with a smirk. "What does that even mean?" he slightly mumbled, grabbing the other controller.

Y/N scooted close to him as the two sat on her bed. He began to dig into his chocolate bar while Y/N leaned close to his ear.
"Remove the first two letters of the second word and add it to the end of the first word." she huskily whispered before leaning back, turning on Minecraft using her controller. Kusuo thought for a moment before furrowing his eyebrows.

'PenIs land.' Y/N smirked as she selected her character. Kusuo slightly pushed her as he exhaled in annoyance, before joining the game in the classic Steve skin. Y/N handed the boy a potato, to which his character picked up.

"On the count of three, we start." Y/N smirked before widening her eyes. "Also, no cheating!" she snapped at Kusuo. He scoffed, staring intensely at the TV.
"You should be the one considering cheating." he stated plainly. Y/N began the three second timer on her phone, before quickly grasping her controller once more in both hands.
"Why's that bubblegum?" Y/N teased.
"Because I'm going to beat your ass."

Y/N froze at the sound of Kusuo Saiki swearing. She had never heard him say such fowl language before in her life. In doing so, Kusuo had an advantage and began to hit Y/N with a potato. Y/N realised what he had done, groaning slightly. She briskly tried to hit him, her heath bar running low. His was running low as well, but was much higher than hers.
"Fuck, fuck!" Y/N exclaimed as the 'You Died' writing displayed on her side of the screen.

Kusuo mentally smirked, watching the girl next to him pout slightly. She stared up at him, furrowing her eyebrows.
"You cheated!" she claimed, pointing a finger at his chest. He stared down at her, unfazed.
"I didn't do anything." he stated plainly. Y/N scoffed,  scooting closer to the boy.
"If I didn't have such a bad influence on you, I would've won!" Y/N explained, crossing her arms.

'That would technically still be your fault.' Kusuo thought to himself. Y/N thought for a moment before resting her head on the boys shoulder.
"Fine. You win that round." she mumbled solemnly. The boy bit into his chocolate bar, a small victory smile on his face.
"But I am totally beating your ass this time!" Y/N smirked.

The two began the next round, Y/N immediately going down a block and attacking Kusuo from a block below. The pinkette struggled to get a good hit on the girl, meanwhile she was absolutely dominating him. His health bar dropped concerningly low, while he finally managed to get a good hit, it didn't matter. The words 'You Died' displayed in his side of the screen, earning a victory screech from Y/N.

She jumped off the bed and punched her arms in the air.
"Haha! Suck it!" she stuck her tongue out at Kusuo who simply gave her a death stare.
"How did you cheat this time?" he asked her, to which she huffed.
"Simple trigonometry!" she smiled with a smirk. Kusuo raised an eyebrow to which Y/N sat back down next to him.

"Since you were one block above me, the distance between you and me from where you were hitting was much greater than the distance I was hitting you at. Therefore, I snatched the win!" Y/N explained. Kusuo scoffed before ruffling Y/N's hair.
"You stole that off the internet." he stated simply. Y/N gasped before sarcastically shaking her head.
"I would never."

The two decided on one final round. It all came down to this. Y/N tried her best to hide her strategy by singing Jack and Jill went up the hill in her head. Kusuo was slightly annoyed by this, yet thrilled to see what she had in store. Sure, like his brother, he loved a bit of competition. But he also couldn't deny he loved the joyous face of Y/N when she had beaten him. He just wouldn't admit that to her.

As the timer had finished, Y/N hastily began to punch at Kusuo. He doing the same. Her eyes lingered onto his controller and onto him. His pink eyebrows were furrowed as he stared intensely at the game, a glint of light in his eyes. Y/N admired the sight for a little before briskly grabbing his controller and bolting it to the other side of the room. Kusuo immediately followed, trying his best to grab his controller back.

Y/N jumped back onto the bed, hiding the controller under her chest. Kusuo placed his arms onto her shoulders, flipping her body around. She attempted to hide the controller but it was no use. Kusuo latched onto the controller, a smirk evident on his face. Y/N stopped for a moment, her breath heavy. The two gazed at one another, not caring about anything else.

What was happening? Kusuo didn't know what to do. He couldn't stop staring at her. The close proximity between the two of them made his stomach feel queasy, but in a good way. He almost craved this new feeling. Scratch that, this feeling wasn't new at all. He remembered this feeling when they first went to the movies together, when he saw the coffee jelly machine the mysterious messenger had brought him, when he saw Y/N on Christmas day, when he wore the ring Y/N bought him, or even when he saw her.

It was this feeling. He knew it well.

All too distracted with himself, he didn't notice that Y/N was feeling the exact same. Seeing Kusuo towering of her, his hands around her body. It was as close to the dream she once had, causing her to unconsciously squeeze her thighs together. She was thankful Kusuo didn't notice this action, as he was too busy making eye contact with her.

Kusuo stood up, walking out of the door. No words were exchanged. Y/N placed a hand on her chest, feeling it beat twice as fast as usual. She felt dim that he had just left, but relieved so she could compose herself. Was he alright? Maybe she took the joke too far. Or maybe he felt the same way?

Y/N didn't really want to pry, but she prayed Kusuo was alright. She didn't want to lose a friend over something silly. Her eyes shifted to the screen, noticing the two characters faces squished together. Heat arose to her cheeks as she swiftly turned off the device, a small part of her wishing it had happened in real life too.

Kusuo felt conflicted as he rushed home. These feelings he experienced were driving him nuts. He wanted to blame Y/N for them, but it wasn't all just her. It was the mysterious messenger as well. He didn't even care who it was at this point, he just appreciated the idea that someone had finally noticed him in the way he wanted. He was always noticed, sure. But not in the way the mysterious author of the letters had.

What even was this feeling? He didn't want to call it love. He was certain that psychics don't fall in love. Or maybe he just told himself that because he never found the right person? And now with the mysterious person showing up into his life, he had found it. But no, she was always there. Y/N had always been in his life before he felt this way. He had just been too blind to notice it. To self pitying of his own surprise-less life to notice the joys around him.

She brought surprise into his life. These new emotions he was feeling were practically the definition of surprising. He hated this whole thing. He had never dealt with anything like this before, so where would he find help? He only had one person he felt he could turn to. The only other person he treasured more than anything in this world.

His mother.

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