𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗴𝗶𝗳𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝗳𝗶𝘀𝗵

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their hands slightly brushing against one another. Both two scared to make a move and just grip onto the other.

Kusuo couldn't see if Y/N wanted to grab his hand, as her ring sat comfortably on her finger. He noticed she had been wearing it a lot recently, to which he wanted to bring up but bit his tongue.

Y/N couldn't read Kusuo either way. He wore the same stern impression on his face, however wouldn't make eye contact with Y/N whatsoever. She did notice his small smiles and smirks that he didn't present before, to which she subtly loved.

"So, when we get in," Y/N began as the two waited patiently in the line of the entrance. "will you tell me all of the weird thoughts of the fish?" Y/N smirked causing Kusuo to stare at her.
"Using me for entertainment again." Kusuo joked, causing Y/N to cling to his arm.
"Just you being here is entertaining enough, Kusuo." Y/N smiled at him, causing him to raise an eyebrow.

"What's that supposed to mean?" he asked, confused. Y/N exhaled, the two walking forwards as the line got smaller.
"You- well, you make me happy." Y/N admitted, staring down at the ground. Her gaze landed at her and Kusuo's close hands, a gulp running down her throat.

Kusuo hummed, trying not to internally panic as he reached the ticket stand. He pulled out the two tickets, handing it to the young woman. She scanned the tickets and handed the two a wrist band each.
"You two have a fun date," she smiled. Y/N went to say it wasn't a date, but realised in fact it was. Or was that just a joke Kusuo said to make her embarrassed?

The two entered the aquarium, immediately entering the hallway filled with tanks of salt water fish. Y/N smiled at she admired them, while Kusuo stared as well. His glance reached Y/N's face, as she smiled at a large fish passing the glass near the two. She gasped, her finger pointing at a striped fish.
"That's a sheepshead!" she exclaimed, causing Kusuo to look at her.

"A sheepshead?" he asked, confused on the name.
Y/N chuckled at the boy, before turning her gaze back onto the fish.
"Yeah, did you know they have human like teeth?" she asked, placing her hands behind her back while leaning towards Kusuo. Her hands reached her side again, slightly brushing Kusuo's.
"It's so they can feed on hard-shelled prey!" Y/N stated.

Kusuo raised an eyebrow.
"How'd you know all this stuff?" Kusuo asked. Y/N smirked before pointing at a small stand with information about a variety of fish in the tank.
"Even so, it isn't possible you read this this fast." Kusuo remarked causing Y/N to lean backwards on her feet.
"I used to go here all the time as a kid," Y/N admitted.

Kusuo nodded his head, the two staring at the fish in silence again. He hissed a breath through his teeth before grabbing Y/N's hand. Her eyes widened as the boy began to pull them towards the jellyfish section.
"Let's keep moving," he stated. Y/N felt herself flush as she was slightly dragged by Kusuo.

The two made it to the main area surrounded by tanks of fish. Many families were staring at the tanks, while Y/N and Kusuo were the only ones staring at the plenty of jellyfish. An older couple passed the two, staring at the teenagers who held hands. They chuckled to one another, hugging each other tighter.

Kusuo obviously noticed this, causing him to lean closer to Y/N.
"Thank you," he quickly stated, staring down at the ground. Y/N stared at him, raising an eyebrow.
"For what?" she asked, a small smile on her face. Kusuo stared at her for a moment, before looking back at the jellyfish.
"For surprising me." he stated with a smile. Y/N widened her eyes before smiling widely.

"You've surprised me too," Y/N smiled, tracing her thumb on Kusuo's hand. He raised an eyebrow, staring at her as she did before to him.
"I didn't think you could be so cute," Y/N flirted before sprinting off to the shark tank. Kusuo froze in place before speedily walking towards her.

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