𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗴𝗶𝗳𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗼𝗲𝘀

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wanting to arrive before a certain pinkette. She had written a letter, secured in her hands, to Kusuo like she usually had done. But this time, it was the last one she would give him. That meant, the last letter would have to be special.

Y/N felt someone stare into the back of her head. She had no idea who or what it was, but it made her uneasy to say the least. As she entered the classroom, she felt a hand cup her mouth. She felt something heavy hit her head, to which she completely blacked out.

Her eyes twinkled open, adjusting to the light that twitched above her. Y/N's (E/C) irises squinted towards the multiple figures in the shadows. She tried to move, only to released she was handcuffed to a chair. Both legs and arms. She widened her eyes, trying not to rub her skin onto the handcuffs. Her gaze landed back onto the chuckling figures, Y/N taking in that they were mainly masculine.

"What do you want, assholes?" Y/N spat, looking in the darkness. "Face me you pussies!" The figures looked at one another, before one stepped out into the light. It was a boy from her year, a smirk evident on his face. Y/N simply raised an eyebrow at him, unsure how they were related in anyway to understand why she was kidnapped in the first place.
"We want you," the male began.

"to stay away from our sweet Kokomi!" he exclaimed, pointing a finger in the air with an angry glare towards Y/N. The girl scoffed, a light chuckle escaping her lips.
"Oh," she rolled out, a smirk appearing on her lips. "you're the weirdos who have a cult for Kokomi!"

The boy gritted his teeth, glaring at the tied up girl.
"It isn't a cult!" he exclaimed, earning another chuckle from the girl.
"You worship her!" Y/N retaliated, a disgusted look on her face. Another boy stepped out, a hand on his chest.
"We don't worship her-" he began, but was cut off by Y/N.

"You guys kidnapped me just because you were jealous she was going to pick me over any of youse. What do you call that?" Y/N questioned the boy who stepped out. A girl stepped out, dropping a baseball bat from her hands.
"Worship..." she sobbed before running up a flight of stairs. Y/N took this in, assuming she was in someone's attic. Now all she had to do was figure out how to escape.

Kusuo grunted as Y/N wasn't reading any of his texts during lunch. Nobody had heard from her, yet some stated they had saw her early in the morning. Lucky for Kusuo, he managed to convince  Toritsuka to ask any spirits if they knew where she went. The purple haired widened his eyes, staring at the very concerned psychic.
"Teruhashi's fan group-" Toritsuka stated, his words interrupted by his own gulp.

Kusuo glared at the ground, his hands curling into fists. A dark aura surrounded him, almost causing Toritsuka to wet himself.
"Where is she?" Kusuo lifted Toritsuka off the ground with ease, slightly taking his anger out on the boy.
"Y-Yamada's basement." Toritsuka nervously spoke, to which he felt his body collapse and his pink haired friend disappear.

Y/N hummed to herself the familiar tune of No Surprises as the fan club began to bicker with one another. Her mouth curved into a smile as she thought about Kusuo, wondering if he knew she had disappeared. Her smile fell at the idea of him not caring, leaving her to rot to these obsessive creatures. Y/N felt bad Kokomi had to deal with them, knowing she'd have a talk with her if she got out of the basement.

Everyone went quiet as they heard the wall shatter, bricks and debris falling to the ground. Everyone stared, only to reveal nobody there. Y/N felt her handcuffs release, and her body lifted. She didn't hesitate but to wrap her arms around whoever picked her up, as the blur speedily ran out of the entrance they had created.

Y/N looked back, to see a few angry Kokomi fans staring at the blur that ran with Y/N in their hands. Her eyes shifted to the person in question, her heart skipping a beat.
"Kusuo!" Y/N exclaimed with a smile, hugging his chest. The pinkette stopped at a local park, it being empty like it usually was at this time of day. He stared down at the girl, all his worry leaving him as he saw the bright smile on her face.

"Are you okay?" Kusuo asked the girl, still carrying her bridal style. Y/N chuckled, staring around at the park.
"I mean other the fact I was kidnapped by some sort of-" Y/N's eyes shifted to Kusuo, taking in all of his features that she loved. She felt comfort in his embrace, all her annoyance and anger flooding out of her body just at the sight of him.
"I'm fine." Y/N breathed out, her eyes locking with Kusuo's.

The two stared at one another with a smile, before Kusuo gently put the girl down. Y/N nervously chuckled, thanking him as she put her hands behind her back. Her eyes widened, feeling the envelope in her pocket. She pulled it out, directing it towards Kusuo.
"Uhm, this is for you." Y/N looked away as Kusuo took the letter in his hands. "It kinda explains everything, my feelings, the whole letter scenario, yada yada-"

"Y/N." Kusuo grabbed her hands, placing his head on her forehead. Y/N stared into his eyes as they deeply looked into hers.
"I was..." he paused for a moment, a little sigh escaping his lips. "worried about you." Y/N smiled, wrapping her arms around Kusuo's neck.
"Thank you for saving me," Y/N hugged him tightly. Kusuo hugged her back gently, a smile on his face.

"my hero." Y/N chuckled, pulling out of the hug. Kusuo's armed remained on her waist, keeping the girl close to him. Almost as if he was afraid to let her go, not wanting to lose her again.
"You're my hero as well." Kusuo admitted, giving the girl back the letter.
"Hm? How so?" Y/N questioned, taking the letter back with confusion.

"Because you've saved me. You may not know how, and neither do I, but I can't imagine my life without you in it." Kusuo admitted, staring directly at the girl. Her stomach filled with butterflies as her lips slightly parted in shock.
"Kusuo," Y/N breathed out, placing the letter on his chest. "I need you to read this letter."

The girl placed her head on the boy's shoulder. He took a finger under her chin, causing her to look up at him. Her breath hitched, remembering the affect this action had on her before. And now, her emotions were even more wild than last time.
"I don't need to read the letters anymore, Y/N." he stated plainly. Y/N gulped, a little downcast he wouldn't ever see her confession.

Kusuo smirked slightly.
"You tell me what you said in the letter instead," Kusuo let his finger fall from underneath Y/N's chin, his happy smile fading slightly.
"But first I need to deal with some..." Kusuo paused, staring at Y/N.
"Pricks?" Y/N cheekily smiled, placing her hands on her hips. Kusuo nodded with a smile.

"Wait," Y/N grabbed his collar, pulling his direction back towards her. She quickly pressed her lips against his, lasting longer than the last kiss they had. Kusuo closed his eyes, enjoying the contact between the two. He felt an overpowering sense of clarity, almost as if all his problems had been wiped off the Earth. As if he didn't have to be the psychic everyone depended on for that moment they were connected: because he was hers in that moment. Selfishly hers.

And he wanted it to always be that way. He was hers, and she was his.

Y/N pulled away, a large grin on her face.
"Stay safe, strawberry shortcake." Y/N smiled at the boy. He smiled back, butterflies emerging in his stomach.
"I will, my mysterious messenger."

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