𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗴𝗶𝗳𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝗳𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗱𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗽

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her weekends. She would just have to not give Saiki a gift on the weekends, but that she didn't mind. It was less money she had to spend.

She took one more glance in the mirror, smiling at her outfit. It suited her well, and she was glad she bought it. It was comfy, so it was perfect for the occasion of going to the cinema. Y/N stared around her room, making sure she had everything.

Her eyes landed on a ring box that her mother had given her. Almost as if it was drawing her in, she grabbed the box and opened it. Inside was a geranium ring, with a small (favourite crystal) on top. Y/N smiled, placing it on her finger.

'I should wear this ring more often,' Y/N thought as she looked at her hand. Her hand reached for her phone as she headed out of her house, and to the cinema.

It was very busy. Luckily for her, Saiki had very recognisable features. She ran up to him, waving her hand around. Only slightly so that she wouldn't draw too much attention to the pair.
"Sai! Over here!" she had no idea where the nickname came from, it was just a stupid habit she had.

Kusuo turned his gaze to the girl, his eyes widening. He could actually see her for once. Almost like if he had fallen from a building, he felt his stomach flutter.
'I'm already hungry?'

"Let's head in, yeah?" Y/N said, smiling at him. He nodded his head, walking next to the girl as they entered the cinema.

The pair had bought a lot of food. Kusuo offered to hold most of it, being the gentleman he was. Doing so, he realised he couldn't really coordinate his movements without his powers. Thankfully, Y/N noticed this. She linked her free arm with his, smiling up at him.

"You alright there, Sai?" she chuckled, leading him to their screening room. He nodded his head, slightly embarrassed. Y/N assumed that he was nervous: the two had never hung out before, so it was understandable if he was just trying to make a good impression.

However, that wasn't the case. Kusuo was not used to not being able to hear people's thoughts. As the two sat down in their seats, watching the ads, his gaze lingered on the girl. She noticed this, smiling warmly at him.
"Hungry already?" she asked, offering the popcorn that sat in her lap. He took a few before placing them into his mouth.

The sweetness of the melted sugar excited his tastebuds. Y/N took a few as well, her mouth curving upwards in awe at the taste. It was simply just popcorn, but it reminded her of the nostalgia of going to the movies as a kid.

"How are you with horror movies?" she asked the boy next to her.
"I'm fine. What about you?" he asked, not wanting to seem rude, and because he was genuinely curios.
"Meh. Some of them scare me but I can handle it," she jokingly raised her arm, mockingly flexing her muscles.

Kusuo slightly smiled.
"The truth is," he began, looking away from the girl. "I want to know who's been writing these letters." He admitted to the (h/c) haired girl. She tilted her head slightly, before giggling.
"Well, I am sure they are bound to tell you one day." she reassured, placing a hand on his.
"I hope so." he muttered, before staring at her hand on his.

That weird feeling in his stomach arose again, causing him to grab another bit of popcorn. Y/N looked down at their hands before lifting hers up briskly. Her face felt flushed, but she tried to focus on the movie that began to play.

"My life is a bore," the man in the movie began, holding the gun towards the lady who looked like she had been crying on the floor. "Everything is the same. Nothing ever happens." he continued, his hand slightly shaking.
"So what's stopping me," he lifted the gun, his eyes slightly watering. "from making it a little interesting." his voice croaked out.

The lady on the floor cried with him, giving him a saddened smile.
"Yuto, dear. It doesn't have to be this way." she stated, her voice shaking.
"Oh, but it does." he boldly glared at the woman. "Nothing happens in my life. There are no surprises waiting for me. Why shouldn't I make it a little," he stared at his gun, smirking. "interesting."

Kusuo felt a little disgusted to relate to this psychopath. Meanwhile Y/N was clutching his arm tightly in anticipation. He didn't mind, he wondered what would happen as well.

The man looked at the girl on the floor, shoving the gun onto her forehead. All she did was smile at him, her eyes full of tears.
"Do it. I dare you." she spat out, furrowing her eyebrows. His eyes watered before dropping the gun and sobbing. The girl didn't hesitate to grab the gun and point it at the man. He stared at her wide eyed before being shot by the woman.

She sighed in relief, staring down at the dead body on the floor.
"That's for my mother, you prick."

Y/N felt herself in awe. Her eyes turned to Saiki, who had his eyes wide. The credits soon rolled, and the lights began to come back on. The two had managed to eat the myriad of food they bought.
"That was amazing." Y/N said, grabbing her bag. Kusuo nodded his head.
"He deserved that." he simply stated, earning a 'mhm' from Y/N.

"And we got to see Lisa be an absolute girl boss."
Y/N smirked, standing out of her seat and following Kusuo out of the screening room. He stared down at her as they stood next to the toilets.
"Thank you, for coming with me today." He thanked, looking into her eyes. Y/N felt her cheeks warm slightly, before shrugging.
"No worries. That's what friends do, right?"

Saiki thought for a moment before nodding his head.

"Yeah. That's what friends do."

✓︎ | 𝐍𝐎 𝐒𝐔𝐑𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐄𝐒 | k.saiki x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now