𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗴𝗶𝗳𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝗻𝗮𝗺𝗲𝘀

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another outside. It was their lunch break, and they were discussing the events of the mysterious messenger.
"You might be the only person who is actually interested in figuring out who this person is." Kusuo admitted, taking a bite out of his coffee jelly.

Y/N smirked slightly.
"Well, I'm your friend, aren't I?" she rhetorically asked, tilting her head. Saiki stared at her for a moment, unsure of what she was hinting at.
"It's my job to make you happy." her eyes focused on the ground.

Kusuo felt his lips curve up slightly, and his chest tingle.
"Have you ever listened to No Surprises?" he asked the (e/c) eyed girl. It was clear he was trying to change the subject. She widened her eyes, looking at him. She fiddled with the ring on her finger, smiling slightly.
'He did listen to it.'

"Of course I have." Y/N leaned back on her hands.
"I suspected so." He simply commented, taking another bite of his coffee jelly. Y/N gazed at him for a moment, biting her lip.
"Why do you want to know who's writing the letters?" she asked, sitting up. Kusuo turned his head to face her. His pink eyes locked with hers, feeling himself soften slightly in her gaze.

"Wouldn't you?" he questioned, trying to avoid the answer. Y/N exhaled, rolling her eyes.
"I mean, yeah, but-" Y/N stopped herself. Her eyes locked with his again, the two sitting in a comfortable silence.
"Who do you want it to be?" she asked.

Kusuo thought for a moment. He finished the last scoop of his jelly before closing his eyes.
"I wouldn't care who it was." he answered.
"Wha-" Y/N gave him a questioning look.
"It doesn't matter who is writing me the letters," he said sharply.

Y/N felt her chest stiffen.
"So you don't even care?" she asked with a sour tone.
"No, that's not what I mean." he explained, turning towards her.
"It could be anyone, but no matter who, it wouldn't change the fact that they went out of their way to try make my day." he stared at the floor. "And for some reason, it works. And I don't know how."

Y/N felt her eyes soften. It was almost as if Saiki was desperately looking for something to make him... happy. And he had finally found it, but he had no idea who it was. Little did he know, the person who he was looking for was sitting beside him.
"Saiki." she placed a hand on his shoulder, rubbing it gently.

"I..." Y/N wanted to spill it out, tell him it was her. But the look in his eyes made the words choke in her throat. Would he just be disappointed? He usually was. She remembered the time Teruhashi had left him chocolates on his desk, and he had his adorable small smile on his face. But once his blonde haired friend revealed who gave him the chocolates, his smile turned sour.

"I hope you find out who it is." Y/N smiled at him, to which he slightly returned. It was that smile she cherished, the smile that made her heart flutter.
'Why do you make me feel this way?'

"I'm going to go find Yumehara. She must be so confused on why I didn't sit with her at lunch." Y/N joked, standing up. Saiki nodded his head. The real reason Y/N didn't sit with her was because of Yumehara trying to expose Y/N. But she had to fix the whole ordeal.

"L/N." Saiki said, before the girl could turn around.
"Do you know who's been writing the letters?" he asked, staring at the ring on her finger. She gave him a sad smile.
"I guess I can't hide it, huh." Y/N exhaled. "But I can't tell you who it is."

"I understand." Saiki stated, nodding his head. Y/N gave him a warm smile before exhaling.
"I better go. Bye Saiki."
"...Kusuo." he muttered slightly, but it was heard by Y/N.
"What?" Y/N looked at his almost tense form.
"It's Kusuo." he stated sharply, staring at her.

Y/N felt heat rush to her cheeks, to which she nervously laughed.
"Then it's Y/N to you, Kusuo." Y/N fixed her bag that was slightly sliding off her shoulder. "See you, Kusuo."
"Bye, Y/N." The way her name rolled off his tongue sent shivers down Y/N's spine. Her body turned away from the boy, walking towards the emerald coloured building.

'Cupid is a devil in disguise. And he has given my heart to the likes of Kusuo Saiki.'

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