𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗴𝗶𝗳𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝗽𝗲𝗼𝗻𝗶𝗲𝘀

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skipped to the pinkette's desk, placing the letter onto the desk with a smile. Her three friends, Chisato, Chiyo and Kokomi smirked at one another at the excited girl.
"Looks like someone is happy to deliver that letter," Chiyo smirked, crossing her arms. Y/N widening her eyes, her cheeks heating up in embarrassment.
"Don't tease me, Chiyo." Y/N furrowed her eyebrows, not making eye contact with the girl. The other girls laughed slightly, causing Y/N to chuckle as well.

"Who is even writing these letters anyways, Y/N?" Chisato asked, munching on a cookie Y/N bought her prior. The latter leaned her hands onto her desk, making eye contact with the short, orange haired girl. The two smirked while the brunette and ravenette looked at each other confused.
"What?" they asked in unison. Chiyo smirked, pointing her thumb at Y/N while she smiled awkwardly.

Kokomi gasped while Chisato opened her mouth agape, crumbs slightly falling out her mouth.
"You little liar!" Kokomi laughed, hugging the (E/C) eyed girl. Y/N hid her face in the girl's shoulder, not wanting to face the embarrassment.
"Is that why you bought the coffee jelly maker?" Chisato finally answered, while Chiyo turned to Y/N.
"I didn't know you bought him a coffee jelly maker."

Y/N hid her face with her hands, exhaling.
"I didn't realise how obvious I was." Y/N groaned, frowning. The other girls smiled, staring at one another before engulfing the girl into a hug.
"Doesn't matter how obvious you are!" Kokomi beamed, squeezing the girl. Y/N widened her eyes as all three girls hugged her to death, a small smile forming on her face.

"Yeah! The fact you're going out of your way to do all this stuff," Chisato began, giving a warm smile to
"Any guy would be lucky to have you Y/N!" Chiyo exclaimed, a bright smile on her face. Y/N looked at the girls, her eyes slightly watering. She hadn't broken like this in a while, but these tears weren't of sadness, but of joy.

"You guys..." Y/N sniffled, watching as the girls separated from the hug and gave the girl a warm smile. Suddenly, the door burst open to reveal a certain fluffy blue haired boy.
"Hey! Uhm," he was quick to begin stuttering as the four girls laid eyes on him. "have you guys seen Saiki?"

The girls looked at one another before shrugging.
"Haven't seen him. Sorry Kaidou!" Kokomi beamed, making the blue haired blush widely.
"T-That's fine, Teruhashi!" he quickly bowed before sprinting out of the room. Y/N and Chiyo giggled, while Kokomi raised an eyebrow at them.
"He's adorable," Chiyo swooned, before smiling at her friends.

Kusuo was slightly annoyed that he had slept in, but for good reason. Using precognition, he saw Y/N in his dreams being flirted with, unbeknownst to who it was. The voice seemed familiar, yet he couldn't pin who it was. It was safe to say he didn't get a good night sleep.

He was late, only just arriving on time for first lesson. He opened the double doors to his classroom, slightly cursing himself when he felt all the glares on him. The teacher wasn't there yet, however most of the class was already in their designated seats. His eyes trailed to Y/N, who slightly waved at him with a smile. His bad mood was soon lifted, a small smile on his face.

Seeing her caused him to glance at the letter on his desk. He quickly sat down, opening the letter. Now knowing who the penmanship belonged to, he felt himself brighten more than usual when reading the letter.

How are you peony? Cheesy nicknames, I know. It feels like I haven't written to you in a while, and I am not ashamed to say I've missed it. I saw how well you did on that science exam, and I am so proud of you! The way you also reassured Y/N about not being too disappointed about her score, really made my heart flutter. You really are such a caring person, and I admire that about you.

As a gift for your hard works in science (and totally not because I care about you too much) I have given you two tickets to an aquarium. The fish are always a pleasant sight to see, and I hope you enjoy your time with whoever you bring. You should really thank me, I'm practically giving you free dates. Just kidding, you can take anyone without needing it to be romantic! And now I have realised this letter is very long, have a good day peony.

Love, the (E/C) eyed girl. ('𓎟')

He stared at the small peony sticker at the bottom of the page. Kusuo trailed his fingers along the aquarium tickets, a small smirk on his face. It was obvious who he was bringing to the aquarium, he just hoped she wasn't busy. As he finished reading the last lines, his breath hitched at the sign off. 'Love.'

Did she really mean it? No, of course not. Kusuo knew she had stated in previous letters that all the letters were completely platonic. But... does that mean all their real life experiences have to be? His eyes shifted to Y/N, who was doodling on her sketchbook. He quickly stood from his desk, grabbing one of the tickets.

He dropped it in front of her, causing the girl to stop drawing. Her eyes widened as she looked up at the boy with a smirk.
"You can't get enough of me, huh?" Y/N teased, to which Kusuo rolled his eyes playfully. He stared into her (E/C) eyes, a slight smirk forming on his face.
"You're not busy, right?" he asked, tilting his head slightly. Y/N shook her head with a smile.

"Looks like my calendar is clear," Y/N joked, leaning back in her chair. Kusuo nodded his head, placing the letter he received this morning on her desk.
"The writer suggests I should take someone on a date," Kusuo began, causing Y/N to gulp slightly. Obviously, the boy heard it. However, didn't comment on it.

He grabbed the letter before a smirk formed on his lips: "Then a date it shall be."

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