𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗴𝗶𝗳𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝗺𝗼𝗰𝗵𝗶

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of the mysterious letters that Saiki had been receiving. It also confused her as to why nobody batted an eye to the letters, but she was going to get to the bottom of it.

She had arrived early, just to catch the suspect who was writing these letters. Standing idly near the classroom doors, her blue eyes widened at the sight of a (h/c) haired girl with (s/c) skin. She had recognised the girl from her class, but couldn't recall ever having an actual conversation with her.

Y/N didn't even notice the ravenette until a bright light filled her vision. Her eyes looked up to meet blue ones, causing her cheeks to warm.
"T-Teruhashi!" she exclaimed, covering her mouth. It was hard to tell if she was embarrassed because she was face to face with Teruhashi, or because she was caught.

"So you're the mysterious messenger, hm?" she smiled widely. Y/N stared at her for a moment before shaking her hands. Even if she respected Teruhashi, she wouldn't possibly reveal she was the messenger to anyone. Well, other than Yumehara. But she was Y/N's best friend.

"No! No! You've got it wrong!" Y/N felt her cheeks warm. "I am simply the delivery girl."
Teruhashi hummed before quickly looking the girl up and down.
"Ah, silly me. I thought you were the person who was giving love letters to Saiki." Teruhashi giggled like she was being forced to.

Y/N raised an eyebrow.
"Even if I was, why do you care so much?" Y/N asked out of curiosity. Teruhashi widened her eyes.
Now she was the one to get caught.
"D-Don't tell anyone," Teruhashi got close to the girl's ear, enough so she could hear her whisper.
"I-I have a crush on Saiki." she whispered. Y/N widened her eyes.

'I don't mind telling L/N my crush, she seems too sweet for that!'
'Maybe I should ignore the fact Y/N didn't deny these were love letters.'

Kusuo had been watching the whole scenario from a distance. He felt a little disappointed once Y/N revealed she was simply the 'delivery girl' but shrugged off the feeling. So the letters were love letters. Or maybe he was just overthinking the whole situation.

"Ah, my mouth is sealed." Y/N pretended to zip her mouth shut, earning a small chuckle from Teruhashi.
"Thank you, L/N-san." Teruhashi beamed before walking away from the classroom.
'Well that's a relief.' she thought as she walked away.
Y/N exhaled before entering the class and placing the letter on Saiki's desk.

Once she turned around, her whole face became pale.

Kusuo Saiki was facing her.
"Kusuo!" Y/N exclaimed, leaning back on his desk.
"This- I- Not-" Y/N shook her head, trying to find the words. Her face was as warm as a flame, and her heart was beating faster than a drum.
"It's fine." he stated, causing her to widen her eyes.
"You- But-" she asked confused but he simply sighed.

"Good grief, I know you're just supporting a friend." he stated, staring into her eyes. A flash of disappointment was in her eyes before she smiled widely.
"I guess she was too nervous to deliver the letter, heh." Y/N rubbed her neck sheepishly. Kusuo nodded, holding out his hand. Y/N stared at it before placing the letter in his hand.

He slowly unraveled the paper and began to read the letter. Y/N didn't hesitate to watch his stoic face twist into a small smile.

'Hey strawberry bon bon! (If it isn't clear, I am running out of nicknames) I hope you enjoy your coffee jelly maker I bought you. And the small present I got you today: strawberry mochi. ()

Before I give you today's hint, a few words. My identity is something I would prefer to keep a secret, mainly due to how embarrassing it will be once you find out who I am. But now realising as I write this, it is so painfully obvious it's me. Sometimes I want to scream at your adorable face like 'Hey! It's me!'

But alas, I would never. I really care about you Saiki, a lot more than you think. These letters are never deemed to come off as stalkerish, or some romantic gesture, but more of a friendly way. :)

Anyway, today's hint! I also have a sweet tooth, so if you do find out who I am please can we get desserts together? And now I am hungry. The urge not to each your strawberry mochi is killing me. Okay, sighing this letter off so I can go eat! Love you :)

- Mysterious Messenger who loves sweet things'

"She has a sweet tooth." was the first thing Saiki muttered. Y/N nervously rocked back and forth. He raised his eyebrow at the girl, titling his head.
"Where is the mochi?" he asked sternly. Y/N chuckled, holding her mouth.
"Of course you ask for the food instantly." Y/N joked as she pulled out a bag of strawberry mochi.

"Y/N. We can share." He commanded, opening the bag. He gave her a mochi, their fingers slightly touching as she went to receive it. Although it was a small encounter, the two felt a spark of electricity flow through their body. Only except the girl was the only one to overthink the feeling, while the boy ignored it.

Y/N stared into Kusuo's eyes as she bit into the mochi. She already knew it was good, that's why she bought it. He had a small smile on his face as he felt the flavours of rice dough and strawberry jelly flow through his mouth.

She couldn't help but stare at his smile. It was addicting to look at. Y/N mentally cursed herself for thinking such things.
'Teruhashi literally has a crush on him. You have no chance.'

It was lunch, and Y/N sat with Mera and Yumehara. Her mind wondered to how she realised she called Kusuo by his first name, but not her two best friends. She didn't mind, but the thought slightly dwelled on her.

"Hey guys," she began, alerting the attention from the two girls. Mera was currently snacking at her own and Y/N's food, while Yumehara was fawning over Kaidou Shun.
"Why don't we call each other by our first names?" Y/N asked conscientiously. The two girls stared at one another before smiling widely.

"That would be so cool!" Yumehara exclaimed with a smile. Mera nodded her head.
"Mhm!" she agreed with a full mouth.
"So, Chiyo, how are things going with Kaidou?" Y/N asked with a smirk. The orange haired girl blushed slightly, giggling.
"Well, Y/N. Things are going well. How about you, Chisato?"

The brown haired girl chuckled at her first name being used.
"Good actually. Y/N's chicken is always cooked to perfection!" Chisato beamed, almost daydreaming.
"Well that's a relief. I thought you were just scoffing it down because you were starving."
Chisato shrugged, biting her lip.
"That too."

The girls all laughed at one another, Y/N taking a bite out of Chiyo's mochi.

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