𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗴𝗶𝗳𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝗯𝘂𝗴𝘀

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Kusuo Saiki more than his idiotic friends, and that was bugs. One thing that had been really bugging him, was his newest friend, Y/N.

She had been ignoring him all day. Was it something he said? No, and if it was he was too arrogant to acknowledge it. So, what was wrong with her?

He didn't want to dwell on it, since he was going to the mysterious address that his secret messenger had told him to go to. Even if they were planning on killing him, he'd know. He was a psychic after all.

As he walked through the various bushes, cringing at the many bugs he had saw, his eyes widened at the sight of the waterfall. It was beautiful.

Was this the gift the mysterious messenger had been talking about?

He felt relaxed, before realising he was supposed to be looking through the bushes. That's when he saw it. Near the bluebells that sprouted near a bush, sat a cardboard box. The box wasn't any ordinary box.

It was a coffee jelly maker.

Kusuo Saiki hates bugs, and that's a fact. But for once in his life, he didn't mind the butterflies that he could feel in his stomach. He didn't even realise that his mouth had curved up into a massive smile.

His smile didn't last as it slowly faded.
Why? Why did he deserve any of this?

He had no idea what Goddess out there blessed him with these emotions he was feeling, but all he wanted was answers.

"Who are you?" he mumbled to himself, not using his telepathy to speak.

Y/N almost revealed herself, as she hid behind a thick tree. Holding onto the tree made her ring slightly dirty, but she didn't mind. Seeing that warm smile on Kusuo's face was all she wanted to see.

She took one last glance before briskly running away. A large smile was plastered on her face.
'Mission accomplished.'

Laying in her room, Y/N looked up at the ceiling.
What on Earth was she doing?

Ignoring a guy she had only just recently gotten close to, in the span of a few days? This was ignorant, and selfish. Y/N sat up, furrowing her eyebrows.
'Screw my feelings. It's a small crush, and it will soon disperse.'

Y/N looked at her windowsill, noticing a small ladybug crawling on it. She sighed, walking up to the ladybug and letting it out the window. Her eyes widened when the ladybug didn't budge from the windowsill, but instead flew closer to the girl. She grabbed the sides of her windowsill, staring down at the small red bug.

It crawled onto her index finger, a tickling feeling as it did. Y/N smiled to herself.
'Maybe this little lady is a sign. A sign things are going to get better.'

Despite being thrilled over the new gift he had received from his mysterious messenger, he was still overthinking his situation with Y/N.
'When did I start thinking such sappy thoughts?' Kusuo asked himself as he stared up at his ceiling.
His eyes glanced at the coffee jelly machine that sat in his room.

Even looking at the gift made his heart slightly flutter.
'Good grief, maybe psychics do get sick.'

✓︎ | 𝐍𝐎 𝐒𝐔𝐑𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐄𝐒 | k.saiki x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now