𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗴𝗶𝗳𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗮𝘄𝗯𝗲𝗿𝗿𝘆 𝘀𝗵𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗰𝗮𝗸𝗲

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water. Her knee scraped onto the harsh concrete while the skin on her palms was slightly damaged. It was a clumsy mistake by Y/N, but lucky for her, a knight and shining armour came to help her.

"Why are you on the floor?" a voice asked. Y/N perked up her head, expecting a pink haired boy. Alas, it was an older boy with blonde hair. However, he still wore a similar antennae to Kusuo on his head.
"I fell over," Y/N frowned, brushing the dirt of her knee. Her body began to move upwards, but a hand in front of her paused those movements.

"Allow me." he kindly offered. Y/N hesitated before taking her hand in his, allowing her to stand up. She double checked to make sure the strawberry shortcake in her bag hadn't been squished. Relief flashed her face when it was still in perfect condition.

"Thank you." Y/N stated with a smile before bowing slightly. He let out a small chuckle.
"You're welcome. My name is Kusuke Saiki," he introduced himself. Y/N didn't care less about who the boy was, she just wanted to deliver her gift. But the mention of the last name sparked her interest.
"Saiki? Is your brother perhaps Kusuo?" Y/N asked, curiosity getting the best of her.

"My, it seems my younger brother is popular." He joked, smiling with a smug expression. Y/N stood there awkwardly, trying to remove small pieces of dirt from her hands.
"How about I get you patched up? I was just heading to visit my family." he asked politely. Y/N softly shook her head.
"No need, but thank you for the generous offer. The school nurse will be sure to help me. And besides," Y/N stared down at her bag and then to the boy's antennas.

"I am kinda in a hurry." Y/N explained, smiling sheepishly. The blonde boy nodded his head, a smug smile still plastered on his face. Y/N wondered if he had kept a smug face for so long it had just froze there forever.
"Then I shall let you go. It was a pleasure meeting you, miss...?"
"L/N. Tell Kusuo I said hello when you see him."

Y/N didn't know why but the interaction with Kusuo's brother was certainly awkward. He had never mentioned a brother before, but then again the two hadn't spoken about family. Nevertheless, his brother gave an off vibe. Like the type of person who is almost too welcoming. Coincidentally, opposite to his brother.

Someone who seemingly wants to be left alone yet has a welcoming aura. Y/N couldn't describe it well with words, but you'd have to meet him in person to understand the comfort you feel near Kusuo Saiki. Unless it was just her bias opinions on the teenage boy.

Speaking of her bias opinions, she set down the small plastic covered slice of strawberry shortcake and the neatly decorated letter next to it. Maybe she would intend on giving him a spoon or fork, but he could easily require one during lunch when they handed them out for free.

It was almost thrilling waiting for the boy to come into the classroom, just to see his reaction. She twirled the small rain cloud pin on her bag, similarly to how you twist earrings. Her eyes lit up every time she suspected the person walking in to be Kusuo, but was sadly let down when it wasn't him.

All she wanted was to be surprised.

Alas, he had finally arrived with his two iconic friends. They had took clear awareness of the letters, but didn't mention it after the first two ever again.

To quote Morgan Freeman himself: "Well,
let me put it this way: no matter how big
a splash you make in this world, whether
you're Corey Feldman, Frankie Muniz,
Justin Bieber, or a talking teddy bear,
eventually nobody gives a shit."

Kusuo gently opened the letter first, his mouth already watering at the sight of the strawberry shortcake. Strawberry shortcake. Oh, she was clever.

' Good morning strawberry shortcake! (see what I did there?) I think it's plainly obvious why I got you this gift. And yes, I am aware of your massive sweet tooth. Which comes in handy for future gifts, so please keep that tooth sweet!

For today's hint, this is actually an obvious one. We've hung out outside of school before. I hope that doesn't immediately reveal who I am.

The joys of being anonymous, I will not lie, is extremely thrilling. I always wonder if you secretly know it's me, but you're just pretending not to know.

I want to clarify something to you, Kusuo Saiki. Something that has been on my hand for a little bit.

These letters are not intended to be love letters.

I've overheard conversations and I am aware some people think they are. I don't care what others think (kind of). But I wouldn't want you getting the wrong idea and then getting creeped out.

Anywho, ttyl hubba bubba <3 '

So there aren't love letters. Kusuo didn't really know how to feel about this. He wasn't exactly relieved, yet he wasn't disappointed either. He would hate to lose this small act of happiness in his everyday life all because of some romantic feelings.

Besides, if there were love letters, he wouldn't exactly be creeped out.

He gently placed the letter back in the envelope and placed it inside his bag. After, his magenta pupils focused on the (h/c) haired girl who was doodling in her book, but there was clearly nothing on the paper. However she was acting as if she had been drawing for a while.


He felt his eyes widen at something he had not realised he could do. Y/N's likability meter for Kusuo was high. But why? What had he done to deserve such high ranking?


It couldn't be... could it?

He hoped not.

She was the only average friend in his life.

He couldn't possibly lose that.

It was for certain.

He was sure.

Just like Yumehara's and Teruhashi's.

There was no other answer.

Y/N L/N had a crush on him, Kusuo Saiki.

But he had to make sure of it. And so, that was his plan. But how would he perform such a plan? Well, it was plainly obvious.

He would have to take off her ring, or convince her to take it off. Then, read her thoughts to see what she is really thinking.

But first, he was going to eat his strawberry shortcake from the mysterious messenger to whom he has hung out with before outside of school.

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