𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗴𝗶𝗳𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝗮𝗰𝗰𝗲𝗽𝘁𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗲

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leg bouncing up and down. She had successfully purchased the coffee jelly maker, but giving it to the pink haired boy would be an issue. Carrying it to school would be a hassle, and she would be caught for sure.

Another problem she was facing was her attachment to said boy. Her plan was to potentially make a new possible friend, and bring a smile to a sad boy's face: not obtain feelings for him! Y/N placed her face in her hands, groaning.

"I hate this." Y/N stood up and laid on her bed, sighing.
'Maybe I'm just overthinking. I don't have a crush on Kusuo.'
She turned on her side so she was in a fetal position, hugging a pillow on her bed. Her eyes closed slightly.

It was no longer a pillow she was hugging. It was Kusuo Saiki.
He was laying with her, her arms wrapped around his torso. She could hear his every breath, as it synced with hers. All she could describe it as was heaven.

Her eyes shot open, before looking at the pillow in her arms. She furrowed her eyebrows, sitting up.
'This isn't going to happen.'
Y/N stood up from her chair and grabbed her pen.
'I cannot crush over my friend's crush, over the guy Teruhashi has a crush on, over my friend.'

Her thoughts trailed to what he had said later in the day, making her heart pace.

"...Kusuo." he muttered slightly, but it was heard by Y/N.
"What?" Y/N looked at his almost tense form.
"It's Kusuo." he stated sharply, staring at her.

It was a small thing, allowing her to call him by his first name. But to her, it felt like a big deal. She sighed, finally accepting the truth. She had a crush on Kusuo Saiki.

Y/N began to write once more, the black ink leaving marks on the paper. Marks of her own words and emotions. Kusuo Saiki was happy. And she wasn't going to let her feelings take that away.

And so, she decided he would never find out the letters were from her, even if she did tell him she would leave hints. And she would, she was a woman of her word. Y/N wasn't one to lie either, so the hints would be so subtle he would just give up looking.

Y/N finished the letter and placed it inside an envelope. She placed the envelope in her school bag before putting on her shoes and grabbing the coffee jelly maker. Her plan was to leave the machine in a hidden area, an area she knew very well.

It was a pain to walk all the way to her secluded area, especially with a heavy machine in her hands, but it was worth it. Well, in her eyes. She smiled, placing the coffee jelly maker into the bush. She wiped her forehead from it's sweat before exhaling.

She couldn't help but turn around to view her favourite spot. A secret waterfall. The sounds of flowing water soothed the young girl, along with the slight twittering from the birds. The smell of nature was potent, just how Y/N liked it.

After a few minutes, Y/N walked back home. She knew this letter would make Saiki very happy. Two gifts in one letter? She was practically spoiling him!
A new coffee jelly maker, and a secluded and secret spot he could go to to relax.

Now all she had to do was give him the letter.

Kusuo stared at the letter on his desk, sighing slightly. He remembered what he told Y/N the other day, bringing a smile to his face. Some part of him wanted the mysterious person to be Y/N. Although, he already ruled out that conclusion.

'Hey Saiki! For the lack of gifts these past days, I have decided to treat you to something special! Please go to the address below (no, I am not going to plan on killing you) to find your surprise! It's in the bush near the blue flowers. From, Lady Mysterious!'

He noticed the subtle differences: the pen they used was different. It was a thicker than usual. Another difference was how they signed off, 'Lady Mysterious'. He knew immediately this hinted that the mysterious person was a female. Another thing that made him slightly surprised was the address below. He recognised the place to be near a lot of nature.

Was she going to reveal herself? Was he going to meet up with the mysterious girl? He shook his head. He had no idea if he was prepared or not. He could relate to the mysterious messenger a lot: the two had secrets they wanted to keep. Her's, her identity. His, his psychic powers.

He was certain that he was going to the address.

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