𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗴𝗶𝗳𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝗺𝘂𝘀𝗶𝗰

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familiar melody of her favourite song. Soon enough, the song changed to a different one. Her eyes landed onto her phone, wondering which song was next.

'No Surprises - Radiohead'

As she listened to the song, she felt herself pause. It reminded her of a certain pink haired boy she knew, causing her to widen her eyes. She briskly grabbed a blank piece of paper, and a small envelope. Her wrist began to move like a choreographed dance as she wrote the letter. Her head was slightly swaying to the song, a small smile on her face.

She grabbed her phone and went on the song on Spotify. She quickly saved the image of the song code, and began to print it onto a piece of paper. Using a pair of (f/c) scissors, she cut out the song code. She grabbed a pritt-stick and began to glue the paper onto the letter. She gently grabbed the soft paper and placed it into the envelope. Her tongue licked the sticky part of the envelope, before closing it shut.

Her mouth curled up into a smile, writing the name of the pink haired boy onto the envelope. She gently leaned back into her chair, her eyes glancing onto her piggy bank. She checked the time before grabbing her bag and applying some chapstick. She didn't want to be late for work, so she made sure to leave extra early.

As she walked towards the retail store, her eyes looked forewords to see a certain pink haired boy in the window of a house. Maybe the Gods were answering her prayers, because she decided to put the letter in her bag in hopes to not forget it for school. She quietly opened the small gate to his house, before sneakily placing the letter through the letter box.

Her eyes glared at the window as she left his front porch, making sure he didn't see her. She began to speed walk to work, a small smirk on her face.

As she stocked up a shelf, her co-worker smiled at her.
"So, L/N. What exactly do you plan on using your work money for? I thought you didn't want to get a job yet." the brown haired girl asked.
"I'm saving up for a coffee jelly machine, Mera." Y/N smiled up at her. The brown haired girl widened her eyes.

"That sounds like an amazing idea!" the girl almost drooled at the thought of coffee jelly. Y/N giggled at the girl as she daydreamed about it, patting her shoulder.
"I'm glad you think so. I'm really close to buying it, so," Y/N smiled. Mera smiled back.
"Do you think possibly you would let me use it once?" Mera asked.

Y/N frowned slightly.
"I would love to, but it's not for me." she placed a hand on her chest. Mera widened her eyes, looking at the girl confused.
"Then who's it for?" she asked. Y/N stopped stocking her shelf, her cheeks going warm. Her chest fluttered at the thought of the pink haired boy receiving the gift, and barely even reacting to it. Just a simple smile, she imagined.

"Uhm, someone special." Y/N slightly mumbled, holding the now empty box. Mera placed a hand on her chest, tilting her head and smiling.
"That's so sweet of you," she said, hugging the girl's arm. "you're too kind L/N!"
Y/N pushed off the girl, giggling.
"It's not for you, Mera." she joked, rolling her eyes. Mera chuckled.
"I know, but the fact you're working just to get that person a gift is something special in itself!" Mera explained.

Y/N shrugged it off, placing the empty box back in the storage room. She would recycle it, but knew sometimes other co-workers would take the cardboard box home and reuse it.

Kusuo sat on his bed, reading a manga. Suddenly, his mother slammed open the door.
"Ku, honey! Someone sent you a letter!" His mother gave him the envelope with his name written on it before leaving the room. His eyes widened at the familiar handwriting, unsure of what to expect.

'Hello Saiki! I was listening to this one song, and it reminded me of you. Scan the code below on the Spotify app and you can listen to it! Anyways, I recommend listening to this when you're feeling stressed. I'm always there for you, bubblegum boy. From, mysterious messenger ♡︎.'

Kusuo grabbed his mobile device and scanned the code

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Kusuo grabbed his mobile device and scanned the code. He placed in some headphones, and began to listen to the song.

He... liked it. He had no idea why, but he felt some sort of peace when listening to it. His fingers hit the small green heart, making sure to listen to it again. Gently, he laid his head down, one hand on his stomach. His mind wandered to a particular (h/c) haired girl, wondering if she'd like this song too.

It seemed like the type of song she'd listen to.

After yesterday, he saw the girl in another light. Not some annoyance that he had to deal with: an actual friend. Someone he could feel at peace with. He hadn't felt that feeling in a while, so he was happy he could finally experience it again.

He clicked his phone, and began to replay the song, No Surprises.

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