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Rooster's POV
I wake up before Jake and I go to shower. I come back to my room and I kiss Jake softly, mumbling "you gotta get up, babe." He gets up and tiredly kisses me mumbling "morning, babydoll." I look at him and I say "you have like fifteen minutes" putting my shirt on.

Hangman says "that's enough for me" getting dressed and I watch him. I say "I'll see you in there" and he says "ok" checking me out. I grab my aviators and I go out to the classroom. I sit toward the back and Jake walks in a few minutes later.

I stare for a second and he has a toothpick in his mouth, twirling it around mindlessly. That smirk never leaving his face and he sits a couple rows in front of me. I stare at his back muscles naturally flexing. He's so hot.

Then Vice Admiral comes in and says "you have a teacher that will teach you everything you need to know for this mission. Captain Mitchell. Call sign: Maverick."

You have got to be kidding. This is my worst nightmare.

He walks down the aisle and Vice Admiral says "don't make me regret this, Maverick." Maverick says "you don't have a choice, sir." Vice Admiral walks out. I then realize Tom fucking Kazansky put him here. I just glare at Pete and he avoids eye contact with me.

I love Tom to death but he seriously put Pete here? Damn Iceman. Tom really stepped up when my father passed, same with Pete but in different ways. Pete pulled my papers from the Naval Academy when Tom bought me my first car, taught me how to drive, and got me into the Naval Academy in the first place.

I need to go see him. Maybe tonight after dealing with Pete for the day would be good for me. Tom stepped up for me when Pete was a wreck over my father dying. If I just listen to Pete during my time here but I don't personally interact with him, I'll be ok.

I'm going to drive to San Diego tonight because Tom will know what to do. I need someone to tell about Jake that won't get me pulled from here for it. He could but he wouldn't.

I then listen to Pete say "forget the handbook and show me what you've got." Hangman says "good cause Rooster never read it anyway. You're in luck." I say "fuck you, I could probably recite the book. It's in my genetics. It's in my blood." My father was the rule follower and kept Maverick in check, so he didn't get kicked out of here. My blood is literally made up of that thick handbook.

Maverick mumbles "it sure is, kid." Then he says "we're gonna go have some fun. Let's take to the skies. Show me what you've got. Don't think just do." We all go to our rooms to get ready and Jake says "you look shaken, are you ok?" I say "the old cockroach is back. There aren't multiples of the old timers I don't like. It's the only one and he's our teacher. I'm not gonna survive the next three weeks if he's here."

Jake wraps his arms around my waist and hugs me from behind saying "you have me" and I say "yeah, cause you make it so much better" sarcastically. He chuckles saying "I like giving you a hard time. You relax when I do even if I am being an asshole." I say "cause it reminds me you're here and that makes me feel better."

He kisses me softly saying "you'll be ok. We can talk more about it later if you want." I say "if we get out at a reasonable time, I'm gonna drive to San Diego. I have to talk to someone." He says "parents?" I say "I fucking wish. The Admiral. Like the big guy himself." Jake says "you know him personally?" I say "yeah, he flew with my father and Maverick. We can talk more about my family history later. That is definitely for another time and not before I fly a plane."

Jake says "ok, doll" and I say "you are so southern." We leave the room as he says "yeehaw." I say "did you ride your horse here too, cowboy?" He chuckles and says "yeah, tied him up on the lamppost outside but apparently that's illegal parking. I have to go move him later or he'll get towed." I laugh, shaking my head, and we go out to the tarmac and we eventually take off, going to the open land that is used for flight training.

I hear Pete say "welcome to the skies, this is your captain speaking. We're going to be doing some good old tag and I'm it. I lock in on you, you're dead. Just go back when you're dead. You can always get me but you guys work as a team." Fanboy says "what's on the line for this one?" Payback says "we should do two hundred push ups if we die."

Pete says "that's a lot of push ups." Payback says "they don't call it an exercise for nothing, Mav." We do this exercise and I hear Jake say "don't run out of fuel, Rooster." I say " I'll run you into the ground." Jake says "feisty" and I say "my threat was real. I'll find your ass." Phoenix says "that's hot."

I say "if I run out of fuel, I'm taking you with me, Hangman." Jake says "aw, you'd die with me? How sweet." Glad he got my undying love message. I'm such a sap and he will certainly hate me for it.

I end up doing like five hundred push ups by the end of this exercise.

I officially don't have to work out today. That was cardio and arms all at once. Maverick says "you all are done for the day. Had fun watching you all do some push ups." Jake chuckles slightly and we go back to our room. I say "I'm leaving, need me for anything?" Jake says "no, I'm gonna take a nap. Let me know how it goes." He grabs my phone and puts his number in saying "text me when you'll be back maybe?" I smile saying "ok, I should be back after dinner time." He smiles saying "ok, doll" and I kiss him then I drive up to San Diego.

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