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Rooster's POV
I eventually get to Toms house and I walk right in. Sarah, Toms wife, says "hey, Bradley, how's was your first day, hm?" I say "mixed feelings about it, Sarah" quietly and she hugs me saying "that's ok, honey. He's upstairs if you need someone to talk to more than me." I smile saying "I'll come see you after I see him" winking at her.

She smiles saying "ok" and I go upstairs to Toms office and I say "hey." He smiles and gets up to hug me. He gives me the 'I know why you're here' face and I just spill it all out after going back to shut the door. I say "why'd you have him teach the class? I kind of know why but I need you to tell me or I'm not gonna live with myself."

He says "you need him if you want to come home, Bradley." I say "I know but I don't think I can handle being around him for three weeks. I might kill him." Tom types: if you don't want to kill Maverick, he's not being himself and he's not doing his job. I say "that's true" quietly. I say "he just makes me so mad. I don't blame him for my dad dying or anything like that. He just screwed me over in short."

Tom types: he was trying to protect you. I know it's hard to hear that but that's what he thought was right for you. He didn't want you to end up like your father. I signed you to go into the Naval Academy cause I knew it would give you closure for Gooses passing that no other thing could give you. Except maybe Top Gun. Yes, he screwed you over but he still cares about you more than anyone does. Probably even more than me.

I say "Ice, I know you want me to be but I don't think I'll ever be on good terms with him." Ice types: and you don't have to be. I just want you to understand that he is trying his best to look out for you and keep you safe. You don't have to like him, I just want you to know that he has no ill intentions for you. I nod saying "I understand that" quietly.

Ice looks at me suspiciously and I say "what?" He says "you're in love." I say "maybe a bit." He says "a lot a bit. I know that face" and I say "ok, fine. This is confidential, alright?" Tom types: everything we talk about doesn't leave this room. I say "well, you could take me out of Top Gun for it. There's this guy that I went to flight school with and he's here for Top Gun too and he kissed me last night and now we're on good terms and we didn't really like each other before."

Ice says "didn't like" sarcastically and I chuckle saying "shut up." Ice types: I wouldn't take anyone out of Top Gun for violation of that rule. Aviator boys are hunks. I mean look at me. I laugh saying "I'm gonna have to bring him by here sometime. I think you'd love him." Ice writes: I'm gonna have to go down and talk to some people down there. Want to take me with you?

I chuckle saying "sure." Ice writes: I have a meeting there anyway tomorrow. Saves me a trip. I say "damn right. You get ready. I told Sarah I'd talk to her for a bit. Fill her in." He nods saying "ok." I go downstairs saying "I'm kidnapping him, you can have him back in the morning." Sarah chuckles saying "going early for his meeting I'm guessing?" I nod saying "and to see some people."

Sarah says "for a man who can barely talk, he loves to socialize." I smile saying "how's he doing in that aspect?" Sarah says "same old same old. Not getting any better. Not rapidly getting worse but he is. Im at a point where I just let the man do whatever he wants because he's not gonna be around much longer" her eyes getting teary.

I hug her saying "I know. I'll always be here for you. Your kids will be here for you. It'll be ok" and Sarah says "you remind me so much of your father. You are so caring and just have a beautiful soul, Bradley. Don't let anyone take that from you." I smile and she says "you are a wonderful person with a heart of gold and I hope you'll have someone to share that with one day."

I say "you're so nice to me. I really appreciate you more than I tell you. I just thought you should know that." She smiles saying "it's good seeing you, Bradley. Take good care of my man for me." I chuckle saying "he'll be taking care of me. You don't have to worry about him" her chuckling. Sarah mumbles "his independence always baffles me." Ice makes his way down the stairs and I say "ready?" He nods and smirks at me making me chuckle, him kissing his wife goodbye then we leave. He says "nice car, where'd you get it?"

I say "some weird old man gave it to me" and he chuckles saying "I'm younger than Maverick." I say "he's just a cockroach, I just assume he's been alive for centuries." Ice smiles, shaking his head. We eventually get back to base and I say "I bet everyone's at the bar if you want to see Pete or meet Jake." Ice says "Pete better not be singing at this one."

I chuckle saying "I'll take that as a yes." I drive to the bar and we go in and we go over to the bar. I say "does Hangman have a tab open?" She says "he does, what can I get you?" I say "two beers, put them on his tab for me." She chuckles saying "ok. Good to see you, Tom." He smirks and nods.

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