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Rooster's POV
Maverick says "shit, planes. Put your mask on, be cool." The enemy planes sign to us and Maverick says "what the hell does that mean?" I say "no fucking clue" and Maverick says "we've gotta get out of here, they're catching on." I say "stop thinking. Just do. I'm not here." Maverick says "when you see smoke in the air, you say smoke in the air. Hang on!"

He rolls out of it and I say "holy shit! Smoke in the air!" He says "hang on!" Dog fight all the way home. Maverick says "time to get low!" We got shot at five times and almost taken out and we missed a shot on the other guys. We did hit one though.

We get into a bunch of terrain and Mavericks is doing a bunch of maneuvers that I've never heard of nor seen. I say "we've been hit! We've been hit! He's still on us!" Maverick says "shit! Hang on!" We eventually get the guy after Maverick doing even crazier maneuvers and Mav says "holy shit!"

I finally figure out the radio and I say "got the radio on!" Maverick says "awesome! Get in touch with the boat!" An alarm goes off and I say "shit! Where's this guy?!" Maverick says "he's on our nose." He shoots right at us and I say "smoke!"

Maverick says "flares!" I say "and we're out!" Maverick says "that was close!" I say "shit! We're out!" He says "shit. We're out of everything."

I say "we can't take much more! We keep getting hit, Mav!" Maverick pulls up and says "when I say so, eject!" I say "Mav-" "there's no other way! Eject! Eject!" I say "it won't pull!" Maverick mumbles "I'm sorry, Goose" and keeps going up and I say "Mav!"

I just know when this guy locks in on us then I hear a boom. I turn and I hear a "good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, this is your savior speaking. Please fasten your seatbelts and put your seats and tray tables in the upright position. Prepare for landing."

I laugh saying "Jake" breathlessly and he says "hey, doll face. Look like you had a real run 'round." I say "you look good" smiling and he says "I am good, Rooster. I'm very good" and I can just hear the big smirk on his face behind his mask.

Jake says "I'll see you back on deck" and I sigh mumbling "this man." I take my mask off and I smile  mumbling "I'm alive." We land with a little more help than usual and everyone is freaking out for when we got back like we are. Happy we made it back.

We step out and I look at Maverick and he pulls me right in for a hug. He says "thank you. I'm glad you were there with me. I'm glad you came back for me." I say "it's what my dad would've done." He smiles and pulls away and I go over to the only boy I ever want to see.

Jake looks at me and smirks, putting his hand out for me to shake. I raise my eyebrows at him and I pull him into a hug. We laugh and he says "don't ever do that to me again." I say "I'm retiring. I'm ready to be a housewife. I've had my fun, now take me home, cowboy." Jake smiles saying "that was not fun."

I say "I'm never doing that again." He hugs me tighter then let's go saying "you did the right thing, doll. Don't ever think otherwise." Phoenix yells "let's go celebrate!" Everyone cheers and he mumbles "I think we made a deal. Want to right now?"

I smile saying "yes" and he jogs off, everyone going back to base and changing out of our flight attire. I meet Jake outside and he says "you have ID?" I nod and he says "ok" and we drive up to San Diego. I say "can you believe it? No wedding and we didn't even talk about it." Jake says "did you want a wedding?" I say "no, that's a lot of money for a piece of paper and a ring."

Jake says "glad we're on the same page then" chuckling and I smile. We go into a court house and fill out our marriage license application then I hand it to Jake, him filling his part out. We go up to the counter, a receptionist saying "you two seem anxious. We can marry you right now if you'd like." I say "that's the goal, ma'am."

She smiles and brings us to a room for someone to marry us. The court clerk says "if you wish to have them, do you have the rings?" Jake says "yes, ma'am" pulling a ring box out of his pocket. I say "Jake, you didn't." He says "I've been thinking about it too. You beat me to it" making me smile and shake my head.

The clerk marries us by law and we put the rings on and we sign a couple more papers then we can leave. I say "wow, these are beautiful." I hold his hand looking at both of our rings and he says "I'm gonna get you a bigger one later, just you wait." I chuckle saying "by law I'll be here forever, so I can wait." We chuckle and Jake says "shut up."

I say "these rings, we can wear when we miss each other. I'm keeping my wedding band as permanent though" talking about the cool pulse rings we got. He says "I agree" and I say "I think I'm gonna change before I go to the bar if you want to go before me."

Jake says "you sure you don't want to stay in?" I say "as much as I love you, I would love to be celebrated. Oh my god, I'm turning into an egomaniac like you." Jake says "feels good, right?" I chuckle, leaning over to kiss his cheek.

I say "ok, shower quickie as a compromise." Jake says "you read my mind" us chuckling.

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